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Everything posted by weatherwiz

  1. I am really hoping we can sneak in some upper 70’s and 80’s in late April and May on a weekend with a Bruins playoff game and watch outside…that would be heaven. If we can muster out final snow storm let’s do it.
  2. I was thinking of that, is that stuff safe for dogs though? I thought it wasn’t good for their pads
  3. And WTF is going on in here? Some folks may want to get checked for carbon monoxide poisoning
  4. This is nuts. Made a little bit of progress on back patio. Just sucks it only gets a few hours of sun.
  5. Actually kind of pleasant out today, could almost chop ice naked but not a good idea with ice flying around from the chopping.
  6. I had started to clean but then elected not too b/c I figured the snow would some ice on it would be easier to deal with then any freezing rain clinging to the concrete…oops bad mistake.
  7. I took the ice chopper and chopped at it and the ice pieces that broke off I took the shovel and heaved them into the snow.
  8. Our road has gotten a bit better but it’s not great. Thankfully, a good portion of the ice at the end of the driveway and into the road is gone. I did alot of work on it Monday evening. Need the ice on the patio to melt though so dog can’t get out there. Sucks because that area doesn’t get good direct sunlight yet. It’s too much to chop and deal with
  9. This was yesterday but still a great sight. Maybe I posted this…who knows
  10. It's more so towards the end of it I am tired of it and ready to move on. It's not like November comes and I get all bent out of shape...I can typically deal with it but about this point I am done.
  11. I don't mind the cold but months on end of it gets tiresome...thankfully we got some wintry events this month...that always helps. Upper 20's and 30's aren't a big deal but single digits, teens, lower 20's, especially wind...not fun at all.
  12. 2 weeks until we set the clocks ahead! Always love that but hate that forecast models come out an hour later
  13. Every time I am outside with the dog in the evening I keep telling myself these few things In a few months it will still be light out There will be leaves on the trees It will be hot and humid It's almost here
  14. I think I would set myself on fire. I've become a big baby over the years with the cold. I put alot of blame in getting my drivers license/driving. Back before then I used to pretty much walk (for the few part time jobs I had it was usually a 45-90 minute walk depending on the job) or take the bus to hockey games. But I walked in all elements. Now I can't stand to be outside for more than 2 minutes in the cold...I've done it to myself with getting lazy.
  15. I don't know how people who live in climates where that stuff is daily during the winter. Despite the cold though I am pleased with how quickly the ice in the driveway and at the bottom of the driveway has melted. Contrary, virtually no melting of anything in the backyard which is kind of stunning because it gets direct Sunlight. But I am fine with this...the landscape is beautiful. I wish though the patio would melt for the dog. I've tried to use the ice chopper but no use.
  16. Teens/lower 20's and wind is still pretty awful though and even if some of the mornings were the product of radiational cooling, it doesn't change the fact that its bitterly cold. -5F from the product of the airmass is no different than a -5 from radiational cooling (Edit: But I do like the reference of radiational cooling as fake cold). But the duration of this cold has been awful...I mean thankfully we've gotten some semblance of wintry weather these last few weeks but for how cold it has been consistently...I would have loved to do a helluva lot better
  17. I violently disagree with this assessment.
  18. If there is one good thing about the cold…dog poop freezes quickly making it easier to pick up. Though I had to kick a piece to get it loose
  19. Thankfully we're about 2 months away from heat and humidity.
  20. I am desperately ready for warmer weather now. This has gotten ridiculous. The ice too in the driveway and at the bottom is absolutely wild. Spent 2+ hours last night working on it. Had to be a good 4" think. Had to go to the dentist this morning and thankfully I was able to get out of the driveway...road here though is a disaster. It was slipping and sliding until I was able to get to the main road. Getting into the driveway...almost didn't happen.
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