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Everything posted by weatherwiz

  1. Perhaps for you. Down here we'll be in 70's and 80's and watching dews climb
  2. Time to start gearing up for severe season. May is getting close
  3. Won't really matter once California breaks away and floats westwards through the Pacific...or the entire state is engulfed in a wildfire.
  4. Unfortunately Maybe the Sierra's will get another stretch where they get 500'' of snow in like a week lol.
  5. Isn't there a link where you can see seasonal snowfall to-date compared to average? I would have to think even the West is below-average now...or if not many places will be soon.
  6. Hopefully the NBM continues to be enhanced/improved too. That even seems to really suck...and in the same situations as NAM/GFS. I get its just a tool and you need to do more in-depth looking but if you're not in a position to be able to do that...oof that thing can really screw you. I do like though how the NBM at least indicates the presence of high clouds (above like 11,000 feet or 12,000 feet). This is probably why there are so many "busts" on sky cover...MOS doesn't report clouds above a certain height.
  7. I don't know how much, if any, resources this eats up but why is a NAM MOS run? 99% of the time it's a piece of junk and laughable.
  8. Data overload is certainly an issue. There is no realistic way for one to assess every piece of guidance for every available run. There are also way too many products available. This may seem like a good thing but it really isn't.
  9. It is fun to have something to track but starting to track storms because of a D10+ OP run...oof. You'll be mentally exhausted after two weeks. Even when we get storms though, the forecasting has been exceedingly difficult. Very little model-to-model consistency and run-to-run consistency within 48 hours...this adds a whole new level of stress into the game, especially for those who do forecasting.
  10. Yeah that's a good point haha. I mean I found myself a bit upset yesterday or Saturday night because I thought this upcoming Thursday had a chance and the evolution just flat out changed.
  11. Does anyone else feel in a weird spot between time moving faster but also slower? October absolutely flew by as did November...but it seemed like time slowed a bit towards the end of November. It seems like December is going by quickly...but slowly at the same time. Not sure if the weather is factoring into that at all but think about this... We have not even officially hit winter yet and it feels like winter has sucked lmao. I mean...it's only freaking mid-December lol. It's like there is so much investment in OP runs looking at storms that pop up at 240+ hours that after like a month of being into the cool season, it's nothing but mental exhaustion. Reading some of the posts over the last week or two...you would think we're in like mid-February or late February and haven't had anything...it's only mid-December and we just hit that point. I gotta stop doing that too and breathe and realize its only mid-December.
  12. Yup...often times guidance can be too quickly to break those types of patterns down. When you're getting deep troughs and potent lows into the GoA and that becomes reinforced, it is very hard to overcome that. You figure out peak winter climo for snow is like mid-January to mid-February...not a good look to see as we start to approach that period.
  13. With the way things are looking to evolve for the end of the month moving into January...not a good sign at all. That isn't something that is just going to break down in a day or two either. Both the PAC and Arctic don't look to be doing us any favors...not a good sign to see moving into January.
  14. meh I don't really buy into that whole ice growth/snow pack stuff. That is more of a reflection of the pattern versus something that is more of a pattern driver/builder.
  15. Obviously this is just one piece to everything, but it can't be great seeing the PV becoming stronger and bottled up right in the Arctic. The entire northern Hemisphere virtually becomes above-average temperature wise and guess where the most anomalous warmth looks to occur...ahhh southeastern Canada. Almost looks strong Nino like upcoming
  16. I am hoping to get to read this today. Want to read it on a day when I can read it and digest all of it without distractions.
  17. It’s chilly out. Was just outside with the dog checking for drones. Probably go out a few more times during the first and second intermissions…assuming I stay up that late
  18. When I was outside with the dog last night and looking for meteors (I did get to see a few) I am fairly certain I saw a drone in the distance. My initial thought that it was an airplane, when planes land on BDL, depending on the wind, they will make a north arrival so they overshoot BDL and then turn over Springfield and not being terribly far from the airport, they are lower in the sky. Anyways, this was very low, just above the horizon and moving way too slowly. I have zero clue though how nobody knows what these sightings really are. Actually, I think it's total BS...there is much more that is known that what is being presented to us.
  19. It’s what I expected but doesn’t change the fact that it sucks
  20. This cold sucks. I miss the 60’s and 70’s from last month
  21. Also looks like you have the system going negatively tilted down into Alabama/Georgia...huge change from what we've typically been seeing.
  22. Too add on to that statement as well, I feel like if we're going to get a region-wide solid storm, it isn't something that is going to be well modeled several days in advance. It will be a product of subtle trends leading up to the day or two before. Perhaps this will such a scenario.
  23. I actually agree with this statement. One key to watch I think is with the front Tuesday. It's a weak front but that could set the baroclinic zone which could come in play for the Thursday ordeal. There has been some signals for cyclogenesis to actually occur closer to the coast versus inland over the mid-Atlantic.
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