I was mostly refereeing last week and the first week of January, which at that point, was really how far out the OP models were going. I know I'll always get chastised for saying this and I don't care but the charade of getting excited because of pretty blue colors in the East has faded with me. It's one thing to look at the pattern but you also have to see what is going on within that pattern and from what I was looking at - I was not excited.
I'll keep saying this until the day I get banned or suspended or whatever, but if you keep saying things look good 1,000 times and nothing happens, at some point one needs to say to themselves, "maybe this isn't as good as originally thought". It seems like we're stuck on ideologies from 20-30 years ago. With each passing day and weather phenomena our dataset grows and continues to grow. There was a point in time where you could argue weak La Nina's (or even certain ENSO phase/strength) correlated well with good winters here...but as this dataset has continued to expand, correlations which were stronger 20 years ago aren't as strong now.
We have enough of a database now to where we can probability better identify and differentiate these types of patterns and separate what is truly good versus what isn't good.
I know for myself at least, I got tired of telling myself (and friends who asked) yeah this upcoming pattern looks good for snow and then nothing happens. Not sure how anyone else feels about that but you can only say something over and over without result before having to go back to the drawing board.