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Everything posted by weatherwiz

  1. Man what was going on in 1899? looks like a super strong EL Nino. so I guess super strong EL Nino's back then weren't country blow torches.
  2. I actually had no clue it was as cold as it was. I was outside clearing off my gf car because she had to go out and I'm a frozen popsicle...the kind that's been in the freezer for a year and is freezer burned, that is me. I can't feel my feet. I didn't even have gloves on at one point but when I went back out I put some on. If I knew it was around -10 I would have worn boots and two layers of socks...UGHHHHH
  4. I wonder how many local mets down there had to brush up on winter weather forecasting
  5. I bet they get a historic snowstorm next year too...except it gets into southern Florida. The NHL is oddly doing outdoor games in Florida next January. I was betting on them like a crazy heat event with temps in the 80's but watch them get a snowstorm instead
  6. I am also pissed, I for sure thought we would see some potential this weekend...i said no shot of anything going OTS....FOOKING FAIL
  7. That is pretty wild. You would have thought thundersnow down there would be associated with some extreme mlvl instability...nope, due to extreme lift and crosshair sigs
  8. This was the 16z HRRR for MSY. This is sexy, much sexier than snow maps.
  9. A 7" report in Johnson Bayou, LA...essentially right on the Gulf Coast
  10. I'm surprised MSY is still open. Obviously nothing operating into/out of but shocked they didn't announce a closure.
  11. I hope this bitterly cold doesn't screw up the Gulf of Mexico too much...I want 70's dewpoints in here by May. But hey...the deep south steals our snow, maybe we'll steal their severe
  12. Already looks like 1-2+ in/around New Orleans
  13. I'm sure we'll some some whacky totals because people are measuring drifts
  14. 6z NAM bufkit has about 10-11" for BTR GFS not too far behind
  15. They must think the world is ending
  16. 4.5" report in Grand Lake, LA...a bit less than 20 miles from the Gulf.
  17. could be a different story in northeast Florida/southeast Georgia. I'm still thinking we see some ice storm warnings at some point. Maybe with PM package
  18. I was just going to make a post and say the radar there looks better than anything we've seen here (winter wise) in a while
  19. Ehh you know what let’s just keep this brutally cold stretch we’ve been in through February. It will make that first 60’s and 70’s in March AMAZING
  20. More added now. Curious if we see any ice storm warnings in southeast Georgia and Florida Panhandle.
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