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Posts posted by calculus1

  1. Can we not have people whining by saying they are ready for spring?  That's a lie, and we all know it.  They would take any little flake they can get whenever they could get it, as would we all.  This board exists because of the eternal hope of snowfall in our backyards.  It is incredibly dead in here during the dog days of summer.  There are a few exceptions, but very few people visit here because of warm weather phenomena.  You're all here for the snow, so stop bittercasting by saying you wish it would just go ahead and be spring.  Come on, man!  :D

  2. 1 hour ago, AfewUniversesBelowNormal said:

    I need to vent as another day goes by as mass attempt is made to limit and there is really nothing else going on... global warming has reached a critical mass now and things are going to change on beautiful earth ... trees, insects, grass and trees. to be blunt, quinneaker is a person that has access to so much energy (but this is interdimensional) and this is used to dumb down things... you see this in government, the president, NASA, consciousness in general... meanwhile the globe is warming exponentially and this a symptom of the human mind. it's unconsciousness, or "brokenness". It's not anything else really, I can feel easily a declining earth population and global warming regressing. So the issue is control power and intent... another day 

    Man, you continue to post the most disconnected stream of consciousness that I typically have no idea what you are saying.  I think your intent is to say that global warming is bad and everything and everybody is going to die soon.  If so, that's quite the bummer, but but it's hard to know for certain if that's what you mean.  How can the globe be both "warming exponentially" and "regressing"?  Or, are you saying that after we all die off the warming will cease?  And, what's this about control and power?  Are you suggesting we should encourage the extinction of the human race so as to save the planet?

    Then, you've got some crazy talk about interdimensional energy sources and the unconscious consciousness of the human mind.  Just.  Wow.

  3. 49 minutes ago, strongwxnc said:

    So, what time did everyone get up this morning? Or any all-nighters still up? 

    I got up at 3:47 am. Still running strong this evening. Wife thinks I'm crazy but she does not understand this sport.

    I went to bed around 11:30.  I woke up at 1:30 and 3:00 to no snowfall.  I woke up at 5:15 with snow on the ground.  I tried to make myself go back to sleep, but it didn't work, so I logged on to AmWx and NWS GSP and started reading.  :D

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  4. Classy response, Ashe.

    My fellow Panthers fans didn't quite live up to the same standard in this little tete-a-tete above.

    Brees is a class act. Congratulating all the Vikings after that heartbreaking loss he just experienced.

    Anyway, go Vikes, I guess. That's who I'll be rooting for in the remainder of the playoffs.

    Sent from my Alcatel 6055U using Tapatalk

  5. 1 hour ago, Cheeznado said:

    Not feeling this one at all. GEFS has flurries or nothing for everybody. Cold air wasted. Bring on Spring!



    35 minutes ago, Tacoma said:

    You know I have to agree, tired of wasting the cold air, bring on spring.     :wacko:


    6 hours ago, No snow for you said:

    When will this craptastic winter end. I’m ready for spring now 

    This is about the most annoying comment possible to write on a weather board.  And, it's false.  You don't really mean it.  When it snows 6 inches in your backyards next month, you'll be glad it's not spring and have forgotten you ever said this.

  6. 1 minute ago, Red1976Red said:

    While it still shows rain, January 22nd time frame bares watching with arctic air leaving before the moisture and behind the moisture. Any difference in timing, wrong calculation in snow cover, could send parts of the South-East into a big dog around that time frame. Bares watching. Please bare with me. 

    We'll let you go ahead and bare with yourself, rather than joining in.  ;)

  7. 22 minutes ago, mrdaddyman said:

    That's fine. I'm not putting them down. I've posted several times over there and they seem to be good folks.

    That wasn't my point.  Sorry.  My point was too vague and obviously fell flat.  I was trying to imply that this "other board" is like the Illuminati.  They are constantly referenced here, but no one seems to know a whole lot about them.  Just like the supposed overlords of the entire world.  Joke fail, on my part.  :D

    • Like 1
    • Haha 2
  8. 2 hours ago, oconeexman said:

    This weather board is virtually un-readable when theres not a a storm on our door step (mods arent watching closely). So many internet tough guys and dip s**ts that dont show any respect to other people. You try and look at mid term discussion and all you see is people bashing each other. I guess thats why the other forum has grown so popular...its a shame!


    4 minutes ago, mrdaddyman said:

    Well I've seen plenty of bickering and infighting on that "other" board myself so it's not immune to it. I've seen Brick raked over the coals plenty of times over there. My perception of the "other" board is that there tends to be more folks from the Western portions of the SE such as Alabama, Georgia, and Tennessee that post on that board. This board tends to have more folks from the Eastern portions of the SE such as SC, NC, and VA that post on it.


    They are watching...

  9. 36 minutes ago, LithiaWx said:

    Good luck tonight Carolina fans.   I’m a Saints fan over the Panthers because I lived in New Orleans for a while in the 90’s.

    This should be an awesome game.  As usual for Uou guys a lot hinges on how well Cam plays. I’m legit worried.  Composed Cam and it’s probably lights out for the Saints. 

    Well, I'm a Panthers fan, and I'm legit worried too.  New Orleans has beaten us twice already this season.  Why would it be any different this time?

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