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Everything posted by Floydbuster

  1. Yeah I was originally thinking Illinois would get in on the action. It really deflated the last 24 hours. Still potential down south though.
  2. Getting ignored on X by folks who are mad that the "cap hasn't allowed severe weather in Ohio" after I told them there wasn't too much instability is always fun.
  3. Yeah the totals were not as crazy as they could have been given that I think the event performed better than most expected early Sunday morning. Those were some large big wet flakes.
  4. For areas here in NE OH, I think the worst snows most of us every remember usually came from Lake Effect events. The Friday after New Years Eve, January 3rd, was the worst snow I have seen all year, and it was a Lake Effect snow band. Folks on here invest too much into storms tracking from lows across the Midwest, and then you have to get into the exact position of the low, or the amount of dry air, etc. etc. Lake Effect is where it's at.
  5. Some of the Ohio WX folks on X are depressed because of too much dry air. I always thought they were overhyping this as usual. This is what is great about being a hurricane guy. If the models are correct, we get a Category 4 hurricane. If the models are incorrect, we get a Category 5.
  6. Down here in NE Ohio, they seem to have come down significantly compared to what some models showed a week ago. Those models were showing -20, -30 wind chills. Now the forecasts don't show anywhere near those types of lows, thankfully. Still cold, maybe a -10 here and there in the wee hours of Tuesday or Wednesday morning, but nothing like what was expected a week ago.
  7. My mother was in Medina earlier and said it was a whiteout. Of course down here near Akron, it was completely clear of any snow.
  8. Cold Watch for our area here in Ohio. Thankfully, I have noticed some of the models trending slightly less cold than a few days ago. Still negative wind chills, but more -8 than -25, hopefully. It seems to move out by Thursday and Friday, thank goodness.
  9. It differs back and forth. There is a nice little warmup around two weeks from now, and the earlier GFS runs today showed much more mild by first week of February compared to what we have been seeing.
  10. Your area is likely in the strip of highest potential. I just know the word of mouth with people has been about the “Thursday snow”. You gotta understand, the way things get hyped, anything less than 4+ inches will be seen as “they overhyped it” by social media and non weather folk.
  11. So far this snow doesn't seem to be reaching the ground in some areas of NE Ohio, despite hours of snowing on radar. It looks like the air is very dry, maybe it is impeding the moisture.
  12. Twitter weenies sharing long range temperature anomaly maps and scaring the heck out of regular folk.
  13. Good grief, that was way more intense LES than I expected, especially towards the secondary snowbelts. I was traveling through Macedonia towards Akron Friday night and it was horrible. Then the future radar continued to show the snow ending and then it just continued going and going and going.
  14. I am surprised at the intensity of some of these snow bands.
  15. The local Cleveland networks show different predicted totals. Chardon could get up to 8 inches while Akron could get up to 2 inches over the entire weekend. That makes for a huge difference in impact for regular non weather folks depending on where they are located who always expect a massive snow event. I have a feeling this one could be very localized and dependent on where the individual bands set up.
  16. Down by Akron our estimates are usually a little overestimated so I will expect more in the range of 2 to 3 inches down here.
  17. I am closer to Akron, but the local NWS seems to have backed off a bit on winds thankfully. Nevertheless, areas northeast towards Geauga, and Lake counties could still see some accumulations. I am a little surprised at the hype about this one, and I wonder how much of it has to do with the insane accumulations seen in Ashtabula last week.
  18. Yeah I think it will be a good reminder that winter is soon upon us, but nothing overly significant.
  19. 1932 was the year my Grandmother was born. She is 92 years old. Her name is Sara.
  20. I wouldn't doubt another system in mid to late November. This is a definite backlogged hurricane season.
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