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Everything posted by OceanStWx

  1. Just go back and read a few of those AFDs. Classic stuff. Thank god. Daryl is archiving all of that stuff so that you can grab an AFD from 20 years ago.
  2. I can see him now, installing the ice block on the window sill in late April.
  3. I want to know what the dewpoint was over Kevin's great great great grandfather's wheat field.
  4. The 30 year number was chosen because it is long enough to smooth out short term fluctuation from patterns (ENSO, volcanic eruptions, etc), but also short enough to capture real changes to an area's climate. If you used the entire data set for normal, it's just going to be a trend line up towards warmer. If you use smaller chunks you can catch time periods that may have cooled or been wetter. It also is the WMO standard.
  5. I don't know for sure, it could either be equipment (unsheltered for instance) or siting (not 2 m for instance). Also, let's bring back the umlaut in Coos.
  6. Your snow pack sublimate flake by flake?
  7. I mean the Tarmac torches all the way to KTOL (in the summer) but they did four straight days in the teens that December.
  8. When the radiators mount up, I'm not sure I want ASH in my posse, but I do always go lower than guidance.
  9. It's sneaky. Routinely 4ish degrees colder than Manch-vegas.
  10. With winds gusting over 30 kt, I would say you would need a larger temp difference than this to get sea smoke as tall as the picture shows. 30 degrees is about the minimum I would want to see to have it obscuring visibility with winds like this. But the CC shows the rain/snow line south of the buoy location from the MOB 88D.
  11. Speaking of the Gulf of Mexico, it sure looks like it is snowing 45 miles offshore. https://www.ndbc.noaa.gov/station_page.php?station=42012
  12. We await further guidance on that. What makes it extra ridiculous is that it is only the continental shelf waters of the US to the seaward boundaries of Mexico and Cuba. So it's like less than half of the Gulf of Mexico would change names, and the rest stays the Gulf of Mexico.
  13. The best we can do is a 1 km by 1 km grid. Just ask @alex, pretty sure his forecast grid goes from like 1500 ft to 2700 ft.
  14. I was definitely on the southern end of the dry air up by @tamarack. Between the bands @dendrite and @tunafish were in. I can see the weenies on CoCoRaHS though. We have the same liquid but everyone is an inch higher on snow.
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