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Everything posted by OceanStWx

  1. I don't know exactly where you are in relation to the label of Dover there, but there is also a tree blocking our radar beam along those radials, so the power returned is showing something less than it should.
  2. Didn't really get going until after 8 AM at Maine Med, but once it did it was immediately pretty heavy. By the time I got back to my house on the other side of town at 11 AM we had 3" easy.
  3. I’ve been pretty checked out on this, but I have the swing shift for all the fun.
  4. I think the bright lights they usually reference as Whitefield.
  5. I saw this one from IA. The DVN radar even picked up fragments of the trail on one elevated scan (lucky considering the volume scan in clear air takes about 10 minutes). https://www.space.com/8243-meteor-fragment-wisconsin-fireball-discovered-farmer.html
  6. Nice, pics or it didn't happen! That looks like a pretty legit 20+ though.
  7. Grandpa Wood measuring snow in backyard drifts, where the people live, not some wind swept train station.
  8. He does note it fell over the night of the 12th, but I'm more concerned with the 1.35" turning into 34" of snow. That's awfully dry for 32 SN.
  9. 30" also reported in Newport, over 20" at Pinkham, Keene, West Leb, Hanover, Plymouth. So probably a great-great grandfather slant sticking, but I'd say plausible.
  10. PWM had 2.32 liquid, and 11.4" so it's not insane I guess.
  11. PWM has reports from the Jetport since 1931 ('31-'40 overlapped with Exchange Street downtown to verify consistency). 1940 officially moved to the Jetport, and moved twice with the terminal building, once in 1940 and again in 1988, then automation began in 1994 when we moved to GYX. The Jetport itself is pretty susceptible to west winds for blowing/drifting. I can't seem to find the info prior to 2010, but the current snow observer is 2 miles NE of PWM (Deering neighborhood). It's not the best snow location in the sense of obstructions, not like Winthrop sticking out into Boston Harbor.
  12. They also had snow up to knicker levels in Feb 1894, 45" for three days after Valentine's Day. Started the month with 23" OTG and packed on another 24.9" to reach 45". Records do look a little sketchy at that time, just add new snow to current snow depth to get new snow depth. There's also Feb 1983 that hit 40 and 41" within a couple days of each other late in the month. But 1970 looks like the first modern era 40" snow depth.
  13. Looks like these were taken in the 60s or 70s. A little sepia quality to them.
  14. I don't know spring 2001 just seems like psychological warfare to me now. I would be gearing up for golf season and 3/31 there is still 32" on the ground at GYX. More than 20" on the ground until 4/9, and there were still patches of snow until 4/21.
  15. Scooter asking "you got any more of those, uh, winter storm warnings?"
  16. Those were the glory days of snow forts in the driveway. And '94 I could skate to school without falling through the crust on the snow after those Feb ice events.
  17. This is New England masquerading as OK during the warm season. If you squint hard enough those could be 7+ lapse rates.
  18. Much like the Patriots, we just play better when there is snow in the air.
  19. There are a lot of buns being tossed in this thread...
  20. We had a real nice paster last December. I worked that evening and watched the rain/snow line move inland early in the event. It got to about the Turnpike around here and held with rain for an hour or two. Then it crashed back to the coast and we pounded +SN for a few hours after. 6-10" of heavy, wet snow stuck to everything. Might as well have just set a bomb off between GYX and PWM, with all the trees and wires down. People are still cleaning up the broken limbs around their yards.
  21. I think it was September 2014 we were able to see curtains on the far horizon from GYX with a Kp of 6. I may be confusing the date though, because we have been remarkably lucky to see several from GYX since I started working here.
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