So I was catching up with office verification stats yesterday for this winter ( @tamarack and @dryslot may be interested) and found some pretty interesting results for GYX.
While our probability of detecting warning events is good (88%, goal of 90%), our false alarm for warning events (events that are warned but don't happen) is 39% compared to a goal of 20%. That's bad. Really bad actually.
In addition, the "lead time" for those false alarms (time from warning issuance to the rough expected time of warning snowfall) was over 27 hours! Meaning we're issuing warnings about a full shift too soon, and suffering the consequences because of it. We are missing key hi-res guidance opportunities in the 12 to 24 hour period that could help our forecasts of QPF and ptype.
Conversely, our numbers for a watch are great, our false alarm rate is actually lower (35%)!
The numbers really tell me that models are great at sniffing out events at long ranges, but not great at sniffing out details of those events at those same ranges.