The effective shear is such a nice tool that SPC added to their meso plots. And now you can see it modeled to some effect on SHARpy soundings on the model sites.
An example being IAD from Friday. You have great mid level lapse rates (nice 150mb layer of 7.5C/km), and over 40 kt 0-6km shear. Normally we bang that.
But see the purple bracket showing the effective inflow layer. It's elevated, meaning the near surface parcels are not buoyant enough to be part of the inflow (i.e. tornado environment is not great).
Of course it's complicated as all get out to manually do, because you're looking for each parcel that meets GTE 100 J/kg CAPE and GTE -250 J/kg CIN as enough buoyancy for the inflow layer. Then you take shear up to 50% of the EL to get your effective shear.