I think one of the hardest things to do is pull the plug on your own forecast. And I know people I work with struggle to know when to take the forecast in a new direction (positive or negative busts) in the near term. Like it's fine to say gusts to 70 mph are possible on the Cape, but if that's the upper bound what's the lower bound? 48 hours out 30 mph might be just as likely as 70 mph, but we never hear the 30.
That I'll totally agree with. The NWS is struggling with that mentality given all the social media-rologists out there. My opinion is I would rather the NWS be the right answer than the first answer.
If nothing else maybe the HazSimp process will move us towards a more traffic light mentality. Have a yellow light/caution product that "gets the word out" without details, and when it's time to honk you have the red light/warning. As things currently stand we don't have a great product set for events we know will be below warning criteria but will still have impacts.