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Everything posted by Bluebythec

  1. Blizzard Warning Issued: January 28 at 3:23AM EST Expiring: January 29 at 7:00PM EST Urgency: Expected Status: Actual Areas affected:Atlantic; Atlantic Coastal Cape May; Cape May; Coastal Atlantic; Coastal Ocean; Eastern Monmouth; Ocean; Southeastern Burlington; Western Monmouth
  2. Started snowing about 10 minutes ago in Point Pleasant, NJ. Coming down at a decent clip. Light fog and snow is sticking to everything including the roads.
  3. Just starting snowing here in Point Pleasant. Coming down at a good clip Sticking to everything but the roads right now.
  4. I live in Point Pleasant, I probably have little to no snow there. If you're familiar with the area, coming north on 35 where it forks to the right to continue N on 35 seems to be the magic line where the weather changes!
  5. Snowing at a good clip here in Manasquan, NJ Sticking to cars, roofs, grassy surfaces etc. Wind has picked up a bit as well
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