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Uncle Nasty

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Everything posted by Uncle Nasty

  1. Congrats on everyone getting a good one! North Hamilton County is doing very well. Southern Hamilton, not so much. We just can't keep a steady snow. The start/stop of the snow is making very hard Sent from my SM-S916U using Tapatalk
  2. We keep switching from fatties, like now at 11:20 , and back to sleet Sent from my SM-S916U using Tapatalk
  3. It's been puking in Ooltewah for a little while now. It looks like the rain snow line is a hair to our south. Is it possible for us to stay all snow in the transition zone and overperform? I know it's a computer generated forecast, but TWC took us from 1-3" to 5-8" right after the moderate snow started. I'll take half that amount and call it a day down here! Sent from my SM-S916U using Tapatalk
  4. North Hamilton County has reports of moderate snow. Snow started in full force here (Ooltewah) at 9:30am. Big flakes and looked great for 5 minutes. It stopped 5 minutes later. 🫤 Sent from my SM-S916U using Tapatalk
  5. This is the stuff that you can't make up. [emoji1787] Nothing reaching the ground at our house. Temp is a steady 31° with a Virga storm overhead. The best part is that it is snow everywhere overhead except Chattanooga. A blob of pink. [emoji1787] Sent from my SM-S916U using Tapatalk
  6. We have absolutely nothing. We had light sleet and a quick changeover to light snow around 10:00pm. That lasted maybe 5 or 10 minutes. Everything missed us to the north and east. Local tv channels have backed wayyyy off. Anything from a dusting to 1 or 2". Local NBC just shows a mix icon. He said we would have a mix all day with temps in the mid 30's. I just don't see it happening here. Sent from my SM-S916U using Tapatalk
  7. Temp down to 34 and all snow. It's light snow, but it's trying to pick up in intensity. Patio is wet, and our neighbor's recycle can lid has turned white. You know it's been a while for snow when you're looking at a trash can lid for snow cover. [emoji28] Sent from my SM-S916U using Tapatalk
  8. I can confirm 36° with light sleet and a few flurries. I live in Ooltewah just outside Chattanooga on 75N 15 miles from Cleveland. Sent from my SM-S916U using Tapatalk
  9. This is from another forum. Sent from my SM-S916U using Tapatalk
  10. Hoping for a good one! I hope you're not a Dallas fan. If you are, my apologies. [emoji28] Sent from my SM-S916U using Tapatalk
  11. It's more accurate now. I realized my clock was off by 6 or 7 minutes. I'm anal about the small things and had to adjust it to the correct time. [emoji38] My wife rolled her eyes at me. Sent from my SM-S916U using Tapatalk
  12. Walden Ridge, as in Signal Mtn. area of Chattanooga, or is there a different Walden Ridge? I'm using TapaTalk on my phone, and American Weather doesn't show locations on the app. Sent from my SM-S916U using Tapatalk
  13. If my weather station is accurate, our dewpoint is a little higher. I'm in Ooltewah near 75 and Hunter. I'm hoping for a miracle that we don't get screwed with a stalled front and a cold rain/mix. Sent from my SM-S916U using Tapatalk
  14. I don't mean to sound like a Debbie downer, but I've seen this set-up over the years bring major disappointment to snowlovers in Chattanooga. I'm cautiously optimistic we are on the cold side of the precip, but I can't help but be concerned about the lurking warm air nearby. What I'm seeing is Chattanooga (the southern area bordering Georgia) will be in the 34°-36° temperature range tomorrow for a good portion of the day. Atlanta might even reach 50°. We aren't that far from Atlanta. I would really hate to see the Arctic cold air stall just to our north and west and keep us mainly in a mixed bag of precip until the changeover. All the pros on here, please correct me if I'm wrong, but I really do see that as a HUGE concern for Chattanooga. Sent from my SM-S916U using Tapatalk
  15. Can you say "Chattanooga "? [emoji28] Sent from my SM-S916U using Tapatalk
  16. There's too many damn models to choose from. I was on another forum earlier, and people were arguing about which model was the best. The model that showed the most snow for their area was the best. [emoji108] With that said, models are just tools used for guidance. We'll either get very little or get a great southern snow. Models are just an educated guess. Let's see what old Mama Nature has in store for us regarding a blanket of white on the ground for everyone. I appreciate all the PBP and write-ups from all you knowledgeable folks! Sent from my SM-S916U using Tapatalk
  17. I'm resigned to the fact that Chattanooga is mostly cursed in these setups. I honestly can't remember a good statewide Tennessee snow where Chattanooga managed more than an inch or so. It's tough watching areas within 30-50 miles of our area getting plastered, and we are hoping to manage a cartop dusting up to 1". It also happens here often when Georgia gets a good 3-6" snow, and we are just too far north by 30 miles or so and get nothing. That's just the way it is around here. Even the system rolling in on Monday looks to have most of our qpf used up as a cold rain before switching over, if it does at all. I'm still pulling for everyone else to get a good thumping and some miracle 50 mile jog south of colder air and decent qpf for our area. We need a surprise. Sent from my SM-S916U using Tapatalk
  18. I realize TWC app updates local forecasts with almost every model run. I found it interesting that overnight, they took Chattanooga from flurries to actual accumulating snow. Sent from my SM-S916U using Tapatalk
  19. I hope everything turns out great with 100% health for your wife. Sent from my SM-S916U using Tapatalk
  20. Saturday or Friday? It looks like Saturday will be clearing out and turning cooler. Sent from my SM-S916U using Tapatalk
  21. If it actually pans out like this run, it won't even be laughable anymore. Chattanooga is in a little snow dome with a dusting and the entire state getting 2"-5"+. I guess if it does happen, all we can do down here is shrug our shoulders and carry on! Sent from my SM-S916U using Tapatalk
  22. I really have nothing to add to these conversations. I'm basically good for ground reports if it snows or we get severe weather or flooding rains. With that said, I appreciate everyone on here we with the knowledge ya'll share and the great discussions. Sent from my SM-S916U using Tapatalk
  23. Updated zone forecast looks pretty wet here in the southern valley and central plateau Sent from my SM-S916U using Tapatalk
  24. If this belongs in Banter I'll move it. Every year the blizzard gets brought up nearing the anniversary We are approaching the 30 year on the 12th. Here is a great write up by Morristown about the storm and the 30 year anniversary. https://storymaps.arcgis.com/stories/0563d35d1eeb4d4082dd4687686000dd Sent from my moto z4 using Tapatalk
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