Heading up to Banner Elk tonight for the weekend! Decided to take my shot at seeing acucmulating snow because it ain't gonna happen in Asheville this winter!
After this weekend, it's going to be a quiet few weeks on here... Glad that some of you scored some snow out of this pattern. But, yikes. I'm not looking forwards to 60s in January after getting blanked.
Don't you love seeing all that moisture in the upstate and midlands of South Carolina? I'm actually below freezing and the precip is now too far to my south after being too far north yesterday.....
My fear is temps in the 60s or in some cases 70s for an extended time frame will warm up ground temps here. Idk it just seems like we can't win for losing.
No kidding. I've got my eye on a few lots in Banner Elk ranging from 4000-4700 ft and I just can't believe the prices for land up there. 1 acre tracts for 300-500k. Grab one of those and I'll have to wait a decade to build...
No. I never really got much here. Passing shower or two when the highest rates were overhead. I'm down to 36. But, I don't see much reason to keep looking out the window tonight.
Happy to see it overperform for some of you! Now, all you high elevation and border county folks start rooting for your valley and foothill bretheren. We need it badly.
GFS gonna keep the gravy train rolling for ETN and the high elevations this weekend. I feel bad for Asheville and those east of the Apps. It's painful at this point.
It's been a rough last week for me between losing a loved one and catching the flu. Otherwise, I probably would have chased up to Banner Elk and just stayed through the weekend for the Friday/Saturday event.
Instead I'm settling for some warm soup while the first drizzle of the day starts.
Edit: This snow drought can't last forever. One of these winters is going to blast us like 09-10 or the 60s. It just has to...
Looks like it's finally snowing half-way decent up on Mt. Mitchell. Had a family member say it was sleeting in Marion. Not a flake or raindrop here in AVL.