Yawn. The long-range models don't excite me. Lots of the same as we've seen before. It'll just trend towards a cutter/rain or suppressed/cold/snow in the Piedmont and Coastal Plain. Just take me on to Spring already to end the misery
A couple trees had some light glazing as I was going up Old Fort mountian but in general temps ranged from 40 at the bottom of the mountain to 34 at the top. Nothing significant.
Took a break from here and doesn't look like I missed much other than a day of hope that was quickly washed away. Winter is over folks. Other than the late frost and freezes we will see in March/April. We blew it this year.
Other than next weekend, there's really nothing positive in the models or indicies right now. I think @wncsnowis right, we likely punt until at least Valentine's day. Heck, we're talking 60s next week!
I feel like we're the only folks in the southeast with a legit reason to complain this winter. Foothills of WNC and Upstate of SC. It sucks. The mountain group gets pounded every week and can't relate to us even though we are 30 mins apart from a distance perspective. It's becoming painful to even come on here, tbh.
Literal worst case scenario is coming true for us (and it's the one I posted about several times). Mountains get pounded by NWFS multiple times and then a big coastal event hits leaving a large gap from Asheville to Hickory....
Only saving grace for me is that Catawba Falls has reopened. I look forward to going later in the week to see them frozen over. Otherwise, I'm glad we've had a chilly winter but just sucks not to have any snow to show for it.
Not to continue being a pessimistic weenie but man, we've had our coldest Dec-Jan in recent memory and it just feels like we have so little to show for it.
Didn't expect to see everyone jumping ship this quickly but it does align with what I thought a couple days ago. This was a true arctic airmass and that doesn't work out for us. Will be painful to see the coast get more snow than I've seen in years but, that's the way it works here lately.
No kidding! I remember it was either Jan 2017 or 2018 when the New froze over and I had a great time walking across with some other friends from App. Used to happen a lot more back in the 60s too.