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About WNC_Fort

  • Birthday 08/20/1994

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
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  • Location:
    Old Fort

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  1. Was just checking the High Country cams (Boone, Blowing Rock, Banner Elk). Looks like a bit of an underperforming event. Dustings but dont see much more than that.
  2. It's funny how everyone always falls back into the same camps. Folks in the highest elevations get at least some snow every year, so they're a bit more optimistic. Foothill folks are now in a longer snow drought than the piedmont and are antsy/pessimistic...realists? Everyone south of NC just praying for a snowflake but resigned to the fact that we just don't win anymore. Last year, we had @wncsnowalways getting downvoted for providing a realist view of how things are shaking out. Rinse and repeat.
  3. You know what would add insult to injury for us foothill folks? Watching the coastal plain or piedmont score while we scrape out a few flakes
  4. I guess cold is better than nothing but another dud of a December for us here in the foothills.
  5. It's the only thing you can count on here in McDowell.
  6. Absolutely nothing down here in Old Fort either. Heck, I saw stars most of the night. Hardly even clouded up. I see nothing to get my hopes up about in the long-term either.
  7. Sigh. I'll probably wake up in the morning with another event that blanks Old Fort but manages to top the cars in the mountains and east of me. It's been so long for us eastern escarpment/foothill folks.
  8. You know it's a potent NWFS event when I have snow falling down in Old Fort sticking to the roof. And in November! I know I've been a pessimistic one the last few years but hey, I'll take any sign of cold-snow in the pre-Christmas time period. It's been far too long.
  9. You should be good (depending on the route you take). Beech and Banner Elk have both been trying to advertise they're back open for sensible tourists.
  10. Just checking in to see how the mountian crew is doing. I've got FEMA coming out to my place today. The last 3 weeks have really just been a blur.
  11. I know it's been impossible for folks to get up on the Parkway. But, anyone seen anything on how some of the more well-known areas fared? Linn Cove Viaduct, Craggy Gardens, Mt. Mitchell, Mt. Pisgah, Graveyard Fields, etc?
  12. Wow. Curious to see what Mt. Pisgah and Mt. Mitchell look like once we get folks up there.
  13. I feel so helpless. Trying to get back to Old Fort as quickly as possible but fear it won't be until Saturday or Sunday at the earliest...if it's even possible
  14. It's an all time record. "Major" flooding begins at 18'
  15. Catawba River just surpassed 20' in Marion
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