Damn this thread really did die after the last few model cycles, when it should absolutely not be. While looking at these could seem discouraging, the trends are subtle but where we want them to be in this time frame. This storm is five days away, and a suppressed look is not that bad of a thing to have at this point. From 6Z until 18Z on the GFS, we have seen the moisture slowly tick northward around 50 miles and in addition you can see the high in much better placement for cold transport from the NW compared to the last few runs. We do not get a thermal gradient threat very often for winter storms, but this is not time to give up. The players are still there and if we can get the energy to interact more with the northern stream like we see on the 18Z GFS then we still could be in business. Also I would air caution on just looking at snowfall outputs as the column above the surface is fairly cold (900 mb and above) and that would mix down with the right moisture levels.