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Everything posted by Sn0waddict

  1. Yep pretty use to it, but at least we would get a blizzard once in awhile to make it not so bad. But lately it’s just been slim pickings for us.
  2. This one is going to hurt to watch. Euro explodes just a little to late for western ct. Go figure.
  3. Would love to have a house on Lake Waramaug in the winter during a snowstorm. Either way I think your area still has a decent shot at this. At the very least it could be a fun transition to a few hour thump of snow at the end.
  4. Southbury is hardly SW CT. Try coming down here if you really want to know what it’s like to be screwed by these types of storms lol.
  5. Winds were rocking’ here for a while. Isaias like , but thankfully without the outages since most of the trees lost their leaves last week.
  6. This legit sounds/looks like Isaias right now. Damn.
  7. Lost a fence panel plus my AC cover. Not going to lie this wind is pretty legit.
  8. No snow here but it sure is nice to finally see the sun out.
  9. Wow big fat flakes outside! Wish the temp was a little lower and the ground wasn’t so wet, otherwise this would be some great accumulating snow.
  10. Rain/snow mix Milford CT. We seem so close to flipping to all snow.
  11. Complete dud here, but I’m good with that. We have had enough wind storms. Looks like MA got rocked though.
  12. Holy throwback almost forgot about that one. Someone has to still have that photo lol
  13. Denver going from 91 on Tuesday to 37 and snow on Wednesday is wild. Need to experience that one day.
  14. 80/70. Bleh yesterday was much nicer.
  15. 84/59 . Wish every summer day was like this.
  16. Looks like I just missed it too. Crazy dark clouds to my west though.
  17. 15 cold rainstorms sounds more like spring to me then fall. This last spring was brutal in that department lol. See your point about NNE vs SNE though.
  18. Surprised by those that would skip fall. Nice crisp air, leaves changing colors, perfect sleeping weather and no swamp azz. Great running weather too. Only downside really is it getting darker earlier and earlier.
  19. Tornado warning up in that NH storm.
  20. Don’t say this often but I would gladly take a cloudy cool day. Makes doing yard work much easier.
  21. Pretty cool line of storms moving ever so slowly north in the Long Island sound. Praying it reaches the shore as we could use the rain.
  22. That Derecho is crazy! I wonder if anyone chased it lol
  23. Was it ever determined if there was a tornado there? They by far have the worst damage and there was a tornado warning for Westport at one point.
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