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Everything posted by Sn0waddict

  1. Same with the CMC. Comically different. Which means I’m sure the 0z euro will bring this right into NYC lol
  2. 0z GFS doesn’t seem to have the cutoff low at all. It’s not a recurve out to sea but rather it’s due north into Canada, very safely away from the NE.
  3. Looks like CMC makes landfall with SAM in New England. Lol
  4. Makes sense considering Christmas is pretty much a summer holiday nowadays
  5. Man, down here this has been the lamest severe weather year I can remember in quite some time (referring to strictly t storms, not rainstorms) .
  6. Just awoke to it back on thankfully. Guessing the same for you. Seemed like a substation issue to me considering half of Milford went dark at the exact same time.
  7. Lol that’s an understatement . Elsa gave me 5.50 inches of rain and I think this even exceeded that. What a wild few hours.
  8. Holy crap this is insane. Please get this out of here!
  9. 3k NAM shows the Stamford to NYC jackpot pretty well. Raining intensely here though as well.
  10. Anyone know what the final pressure was at landfall? Curious about how much it weakened after getting down to 984mb yesterday
  11. UI with three total outage events right now. Sheesh talk about dodging a bullet.
  12. Wasn’t even a meh event here. It was a non event. Not even sure we had a gust over 25 mph. And there hasn’t been any rain yet. Not complaining though , and I understand that other people didn’t get as fortunate as me.
  13. I thought we were gonna be spared from the wind. But I’m shocked we are being spared from the rain too. SW CT FTW.
  14. Big fat nothing here so far. Hardly a breeze. NBC had a live shot down at the beach and it looked normal. No swells or anything like that.
  15. Yep looks like we finally got a consensus .
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