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Everything posted by Sn0waddict

  1. The only reason I am not too upset is because it was pretty well modeled that there was going to be a sharp cutoff west of SE CT. I was hoping for more but I kinda was expecting to only get the scraps, which is what ended up happening.
  2. Wow really?? My brother lives in Fairfield and he texted me earlier saying he thought the storm was a dud lol
  3. So on NOAA Milford reported 11.3 at 1000am. if that is right then we definitely broke a foot here which would be a huge win all things considered. I thought we had less at the time but it’s tough to dispute given all the drifting. It definitely did feel like we had more today than the 9.5 we got a few weeks ago.
  4. Snowing pretty good here again. Might be able to get to double digits..
  5. Hmm doesn’t sound familiar to me I’ll have to check it out!
  6. Think somewhere between 8-9. Gonna go out and measure later.
  7. Measured around 7.5 a little over an hour ago. So guessing around 8-8.5 now
  8. Man I am counting my lucky stars sitting under this one band in western ct
  9. We get our fair share of winners and duds here. Lol ideally you would want to at least be 5-10 miles inland.
  10. Gave it a shot, somewhere between 7 to 7.5 inches.
  11. Haven’t even bothered trying to measure. It’s like impossible. If Easton has over 6 then I imagine I would have a little more than that.
  12. This little band has been keeping me in this all morning. Otherwise it would be a total bust.
  13. Radar might just be filling in over central/western Ct. Will see if it lasts.
  14. Yep feel very fortunate here to be in the middle of the same narrow band.
  15. Wow that is one good looking band coming together and getting ready to move it’s way here. Too bad I’m tired as hell and am gonna pass out. Hope it makes it here.
  16. RadarScope if you are willing to spend like $10 a year. It’s so worth it.
  17. Hoping that makes it here. Any idea what the rate is with that band?
  18. Hoping that band down in LI makes a successful trip across the sound and gets to us. Just pixie dust at the moment here.
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