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Everything posted by Sn0waddict

  1. I looked at the 10 day forecast and yikes. 20s or 30s for highs every single day with lows in the teens. No thanks. Also the sun is coming out here now, some blue sky as well. So I’m thinking we salvage the second half of the day quite nicely at least in western areas.
  2. Nah inside watching the masters now. Warmer here than it is at Augusta.
  3. Surprisingly a nice day here for the most part. It cleared out after the mornings downpour . Mid 50s and sun right now.
  4. Nice Tuesday/Wed before a not so nice BD on Thursday per the CMC. I could see that happening. Regarding homes, I’m sure glad I bought mine in Nov 2019. We got it 30k under asking. Refinanced to a sub 3.00 rate last year too so our mortgage is dirt cheap. Don’t know what we would do if we had to buy now.
  5. Sneaky nice day here. 55F and sunny. Not much in the way of wind either.
  6. Sun has come out and the temp has jumped to 58 degrees. Feels really nice after the last few cloud/cold days we have had.
  7. So is this actually going to happen tomorrow or is the HRRR on something?
  8. Geez do I have to put pre emergent down already?
  9. In the fall I ripped up my entire backyard and restarted with new soil/grass seed as the yard was literally 100% weeds. Managed to successfully grow grass and it looks great, but I know this weed seeds are probably still under that soil so I’m gonna be following/asking questions in the near future about good pre-emergents , weed killer etc. My yard doesn’t have to look like a golf course but I definitely want to keep it looking good. The following were weeds I identified prior to the re-do: Crabgrass, spurge, clover, ground ivy, nutsedge, sweet violet. The clover was particularly bad in the spring and spurge in the last summer. Should be fun lol.
  10. Deep winter, I suppose. Windy, cold, snow in the air. But only a coating of snow is bleh.
  11. Rain and sleet. Maybe a few mangled snowflakes at one point but that’s it. What a disappointment. May be the last chance we had for snow too. Ugh! Onto the lawn thread I suppose.
  12. Still raining here. Sheesh didn’t expect this. What a let down.
  13. Sleet mixing in here as well as some wet snowflakes
  14. Not overly optimistic for anything here. But the trends could helps those in litchfield county/berkshires etc.
  15. HRRR tracks it over the cape. Tries to flip western CT.
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