HRRR gets sleet up the to CT/MA border , I have doubts about that but let’s see what happens ha. I’m still foolishly optimistic we get some backside mood snows that give us another 1-2 inches before daybreak.
From what I have gathered so far, The NAM was too aggressive with the sleet line, GFS was too QPF happy, and maybe the HRRR was right about the dry slot shutting precip off a little earlier than we wished it would?
Some people in the NYC thread are reporting snow mixing back in. I’m hoping we can pull a GFS type solution here, though sleet aside I think the radar needs to improve a bit for that to happen.
29F , snow coming down at a good clip. Everything covered. Going to spend a good chunk of the night watching the CC and praying we stay on the right side of it for a good part of the storm.