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Ralph Wiggum

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Everything posted by Ralph Wiggum

  1. Need LSD at this point so at least the maps can maybe morph into some hallucinatory wintry event that really isn't there.
  2. Amazing, it's like at 12z all guidance just said ok, let's stop fucking with them and just put the dagger in their hearts right now.
  3. Have a feeling this op run won't make many friends unless they are patient people.
  4. Rain with a few mixed flakes now. This winter can't end soon enough...really.
  5. Chicken vs the egg debate. Both the burying of sw's out west and the SER have been trademarks of the entire winter.
  6. I get that, but there is still an increased tendency in that region to build ridges faster and stronger in this Nina.
  7. Weaker blocking,more energy lagging behind developing 50/50, ridging in PNA as opposed to SE, kicker on the heels of the NW energy feature. Also more connection between the 50/50 lag energy and the energy coming thru the WC
  8. We need that to get beat down so a followup can come along and do its thing. Eta: but with that said, we DONT want a March 1993 storm over the Plains resetting the entire hemispheric pattern either.
  9. 100% agree. And @psuhoffman has been all over it not being the first wave/threat that produces. He may be frustrating with the journal thing but when he gives his ideas I tend to listen to him.
  10. To further illustrate out later in the op run, please tell me how this isnt a SER
  11. As much as people are denying, the SER base state is a real thing. I keep hearing that isn't a ridge in the SE at 120 hrs it's just a response to the digging sw out west......which is a ridge....in the Southeast. It isnt going anywhere, yet.
  12. Yep, first cutter sets the stage. Beware the Ides of March.
  13. Where is @brooklynwx99 to calm the masses? He suddenly has gone MIA
  14. Ice Cream Cake will get you through the roughest of model runs. Might fall asleep by hour 240 but you get the idea.
  15. I think after a season of futility and coastals trending to cutters at this range, the debbing can be expected. We do have some different players up top so we wait and see if this will be any different
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