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Ralph Wiggum

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Everything posted by Ralph Wiggum

  1. Just saw where parts of Cali have had 7 straight days of recorded FEET of snow daily!
  2. When I worked at whole foods we used to put a poached egg inside of a half avocado on our hot bar (dating myself here haven't worked in that context in many years). Maybe we need a mix of the two.
  3. This is the most telling aspect....nothing at all moving TOWARDS a good solution...everything either stayed the course or stepped back. Agreed we need some big changes over the next 24 hours. Eta: staying the course isn't a bad thing at this range but would be nice to see something, anything trend notably to the good.
  4. Seriously, not being a deb, but when was the last time we went from a crud modeled event and backed into something significant? 2018?
  5. It is the most minute of difference I think I've ever seen
  6. Yep, weaker and flatter with the energy coming out of the West. Just what we want. Crazy how different the ops are from their ens means right now.
  7. I think I can echo exactly what @psuhoffmanhas been saying. We have a loaded pattern between the 10th and 20th. Could have 1 shot, could have 2, could even have 3. Chances are good that at least 1.will work out. Might need to kick the can a bit....or maybe not. And to echo @brooklynwx99 no op is going to nail anything 7 or 8 days out so next week could very well still be the one. And to echo @CAPE we just can't know.
  8. Op is worst case...thankfully just an op at range. Cutter and we touch 70 degrees. Then well BN temps and dry.
  9. GFS op is like the little engine that just couldn't do it. On to 0z!
  10. Something brewing after the 14th on the gfs, so pattern still has potential. We are losing the first threat tho.
  11. Ops is a joke...NAO is gone and the 50/50 replaced with a ridge.
  12. At least the SER still gets knocked down by day 10, so there's that consistency.
  13. System gets so intense it tries to obliterate the block and reconfigure the entire longwave pattern over N America. Oh joy
  14. This is a reflection of a SER. Please don't gaslight ppl into believing it is not:
  15. 3 phases....establish blocking, knock down ser, followup wave. Delayed but not denied. I'm pissed the first threat isn't going to work but hang in there. Remember 0z gfs that bypassed first threat what it did with the 3 phases I mentioned.
  16. The better chance is mid month. Ides of March St Patty's thing bro
  17. Yo, you are NOT wrong. When was the last time we had a shitter trend to a MECS?
  18. Need LSD at this point so at least the maps can maybe morph into some hallucinatory wintry event that really isn't there.
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