This is advertised across the board. Active stj and diving njs. Timing differences keep models from keying on which date. Growing fairly confident something big pops next week that impacts both of our subforums in a positive way.
So the weekends storm....on the GFs remember when the primary went into S C Canada a couple days back? Now it is in Pitt. Has been coming S every run. Couple more ticks and the thing slides under and we get a legit system.
They addressed that with the upgrade last year thus the bump in the Euros verification scores. Doesn't make this run right. I don't think it is. But the pattern has potential for a decent late season storm between the 10th and 20th still. Doubt it plays out like the Euro verbatim and I wouldn't put all my chips on a major event either.....but this time of year it usually ends up as all or nothing. We'll see how this 10 day period plays out. Right now many are overlooking that we are backing into some snow this weekend. Blocking does funny things.
Oh I wasn't saying the enso state was going to have any impacts this month per se. I do think the cooler ssts have helped us get the mjo progression into a more favorable phase at least. Hopefully we don't enter some 97-98 super Nino in fall
From a guy who touts himself as having been in this hobby for 65 years (even as a brief career iirc?) this surprises me coming from you. I get's March and winter has been blah. But the Nina is dead and even Hellen Keller could probably see the potential in the pattern. You get modest snow this coming Saturday btw.
Following the Euro's BECS on 3/15, the GFS has 2 followup snowstorms, the latter being a HECS. I would not sleep on mid March yet....this pattern is loaded.