<sarcasm>Here we go, I'm sure this will work out </sarcasm>. Midday in late March with a 993mb low in Cleveland. How does this model's algorithm even allow for this crap?
As expected next week's threat will develop too slowly to affect our area. Doesn't look like we will cash-in on the backloaded thing this year but it was fun remaining optimistic til the end. Next winter will be better.....won't it? It has to be, right?
Spring is in the air. Daffodils are in full bloom, magnolia is getting ready to pop, lilacs are getting leaves. Might not be the string of 70 degree days you were looking for but the change is inevitable.
Just my quick thoughts....we rarely ever get a bombing Miller B to develop far enough S or fast enough to significantly impact us except for N of I78. I can count on 1 hand the number of times over the last 25 years these have worked out. These systems are the absolute epitome of Lucy and the football and exactly the reason we came up with that analogy over the years. I'm obviously keeping an eye on it but we are into mid March now and spring is now showing up on guidance. Best to keep expectations nil and hope for the best.