I've been a Lamjack fan since he came into the league. He has finally rounded out his game and is more consistent this year. I'm pulling for the Ravens. The Eagles are a 1 and done playoff team so I dont have much of a stake in this years playoffs.
Thats was what I was trying to suggest earlier. We've yet to see a real 'trend' imho. We havent even reached the windshield wiper stage yet on guidance. This is still a week away folks.
Howard, it was an inside joke from earlier in this thread this morning. Why are you so triggered? I put you on ignore. You should do the same and move on. Thank you for your constructive feedback.
Have we reached the "we need (insert model name) to stop the bleeding" mode yet?
Or are we just entering the "this is the biggest run of the year for the (insert model name)" stage?
I hear what you are saying and I dont disagree. If I were to bet I would think this has the making of a N and W of the fall line setup....maybe thump to mix/rain/or otherwise for the usual locals. But we have one poster congratting Cape Cod, another congratting Buffalo. How far N do you feel this is going to go? I doubt all the modeling is off on the strength of the 50/50. It's more a timing thing imo. And the next step is probably the start of the windshield washer effect.
We have support all around that there will be a storm next weekend. Now we get to hone the track this week. My gut says a N and W of I95 event, but we'll see. Nice to see a cluster of guidance well to the South still and only a.small clustering too far N and W/warm. Ens like the classic i95 setup as well.
You're glass is half empty then. I see those as more of a traditional N and W of I95 or left of the fall line look...not an "omg it's going to trend N because it's already too far N and W" look. But thats just me.