In all seriousness tho, this seem to be progressing as a few have mentioned. Best chances of the season thus far middle January thru around the 21st then a relax thru the end of month with a reload into Feb with our chance for a bigger storm. The hope was we would cash in on the chances this week and some spots certainly will do that before the transition. Ens means are clear with the relax after the 21st and towards the end of the run (s) you can see the reload back to workable happening. GEPS has the best reflection of this.
So, while we were/are hoping for something bigger this week after stepping back from the 16-17 potential, we do have a workable (not ideal) setup.late week before we relax. Ens means have been pretty decent with the large scale features in the LR, so we should see more chances again. We just gotta hang in. At least we aren't shitting the blinds right?