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Ralph Wiggum

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Everything posted by Ralph Wiggum

  1. Where was this look 3 weeks ago? Nevermind...perfect track rainstorm probably.
  2. Best digital tease of the season. 1% chance I give this one
  3. If ppl weren't dangling the 1958 analog all season he would have thrown in the towel in early January as per usual.
  4. I love Mac and cheese personally and would eat it 7 days a week if possible. Not greedy wrt what's being served and never got angry at others eating their feast. Glad you enjoyed!
  5. I posted a discussion prior to the epic collapse of how I thought the weeklies were deriving at those epic looks. Then I reposted again after they collapsed. They were based on algorithms programmed into guidance based on analogs from seasons past which matched things as pdo, qdo, enso as well as current data when models/weeklies were ran. With that said, if we had similar conditions to say late Jan 2010 when those weeklies were ran, a heavily weighted analog was used thus showing us something which looked like Feb 2010. Honestly it wasn't surprising things flipped but I played along for a bit with the positive vibes gang because I actually enjoy posting here. Just have to walk on eggshells at times.
  6. We have El Popo erupting in Mexico hitting 2 miles into the atmosphere. Between this and all the recent SWEs I'm sure we can muster a late season miracle. LFG!
  7. The warm days, the cloudy days, and the abundant rains are all trademarks of a Nino fwiw. Kind of surprised how this winter played out here. What surprised me most is the lack of Southern snows along NC/SC a few times during a Nino. Didn't have that this year. I wonder if that feature has shifted N over the years to our region? We usually don't see the week-long stretches of winter but rather one big one in Feb or March. Interesting that Nova Scotia got an anomalous 5' + snowstorm a few weeks back. Hmm, maybe everything did shift N this year. Wonder if that's a sign of the times/change?
  8. In all honesty, we had 2 decent 10-day stretches of winter....this winter. Based on future guidance, I will assume we are pretty much done for all intents and purposes. With that said, I give this winter a C/C+ grade. Like I told my son last year when finishing up 8th grade tho...C's are meh, you can do better. This year as a freshman in HS he is rocking straight A's and some advanced/honors studies. We need winter to respond likewise. We can do better.
  9. Why wouldn't we be here? I bet next winter tosses a surprise or two at us. It's akin to Vegas sports book odds....when all the money is on one side (in this case alot of pros throwing next winter in the garbage saying not even a remote shot) that's when the upsets tend to happen. Overall probably a crud pattern but I'm sure we sneak a handful of trackable events in there.
  10. Chuck, what say you about the mid lat blocking during hurricane season? Do you see that on the increase with the shifting ocean currents that scientists have predicted?
  11. The westerlies didn't affect Sandy. Matter of fact that was a heck of a block. But.....with the posts about blocking being on the decline, I guess that nullifies things.
  12. So with the "oceans on fire" that I've seen posted here, maybe we should move on from big snow tracking because obviously that isnt working, and start tracking landfalling canes in the Mid Atlantic and NJ. We're due for another Sandy. Well, not really and this post is pretty much just sarcasm, but I wonder if we will start seeing more Northern landfalling tropical systems up this way in the coming years? Would make for an Interesting study anyway.
  13. Don't know if this is the one or not. But I'm confident we haven't seen the last of the winter weather for the season. Hey, if you get forecast for double the amount expected at my locale again, you got a spare room? Might need to chase
  14. An occasional mini ground 'blizzard' with spotty whiteouts here in Telford as the winds whip and blow the snow off roofs and fields.
  15. Well, expectation was set at 3" here and ended with 3" on the button in Ivyland. No complaints. Just under 18" for the season and 6z GFS says maybe we get another shot late week.
  16. Loons like the dry slot has set up over my area in central Bucks and looks to continue per radar. Back edge zipping east fast See y'alll in the am. Goodnight and good luck.
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