Always been a believer that the earth has a way of balancing itself out naturally. Sometimes gradually over time...years, decades, centuries, eras....other times thru extreme sudden events. PSU had been poking tongue in cheek about underwater volcanoes. Ironically,an article surfaced in my news feed the other morning about Yellowstone. I wonder if something like that supervolcano (even tho some some scientists dispute that it would ever erupt) would spark a sudden reversal wrt to the elephant? I mean, we've all read the articles about how warming supposedly has created more extremes and shifts in weather. Will something this extreme be the balancing act someday? They don't know how long effects would last but scientists seem convinced it would lead to a nuclear winter scenario. I dunno, just throwing my thoughts/$.02 in the pot if this hasn't been offered as a scenario already. The earth balances itself out over time in mysterious ways.