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Ralph Wiggum

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Everything posted by Ralph Wiggum

  1. Cosgrove sticking hard to his guns saying this upcoming cold snap will be brief and transient in an overall AN temp pattern that is locked in thru late January. Guess he doesn't like looking at the EPS or GEFS? They are completely opposite of what he is suggesting with very cold and stormy pattern taking shape.
  2. Cosgrove updated again today. Says brief cold shot later this week but transient as the progressive/zonal pattern locks in thru the last days of January. He is saying mild East of the Apps thru very late January. Not what I wanted to hear this morning.
  3. LC going with mean trof in center of nation thru New Year at least with warmth on both coasts. One of the rare times I disagree with him.
  4. Didnt JB throw in the towel just a few days ago?? Sent from my LG-V410 using Tapatalk
  5. Larry Cosgrove saying seasonal then turning warm after mid-month with a warm Christmas for us....again. Brief cold snap after the holiday then mild from New Year through late January. Sent from my LG-V410 using Tapatalk
  6. According to Accuweather extended forecast for my area, no snow in December with the first accumulating snowfall occurring around the 16th of January as a wintry mix that being the only snowfall aside from some snow showers/flurries thru Feb 9.
  7. I don't care for it personally. Information overload.
  8. Someone from NOAA was on a morning show with Al Roker last week. Al was showing the upgraded Euro reporting from England...in particular the run which clobbered the I95 corridor. He commented something about how accurate the Euro is and is now upgraded yada yada yada. Anyway, they went back to the studio to interview someone from NOAA and he said the USA has an upgraded model that is being tested and will be released soon that is even better and more accurate than the Euro. He didnt say which model. Is it safe to assume he was referencing the GFS para? Or is there another beta model under lock and key that will be put into the model rotation?
  9. Murphy's Law that as soon as I throw in the towel a threat pops up lol. Alas, its the Euro and hasn't been its old rock-solid self in the LR this year. Garner some more support from other guidance and get us within 4 or 5 days and I'll jump all-in.
  10. Agreed 100%. Wouldn't be surprised by a few March snow showers at some point during the first half of the month, but for all intents and purposes in Philly proper, it's over. I keep seeing posts around the forums that day 10 looks promising, but this is merely a broken record in this winter of shattered LR dreams.
  11. LOL!I'm not sure what guidance he is using but I zero to little N Atl blocking on any LR ops nor any of the ens means. And he is also ignoring the strong Western Atlantic Ridge (see latest CMC/GFS for how this keeps storm track inland/warmish as opposed to being able to run off the coast). These "the pattern looks ripe in 8-12 days" predictions have not and are not working out this season for whatever reason. It's easy to point to the strong El Nino I suppose but I wonder if it has anything to do partly with the anamolous sst's near Greenland? The NAO predictions have seemed to crap the bed the most in recent months of all teleconnections.
  12. Sorry, I wasnt referring to YOU, lol. But rather the big dog himself ;-)
  13. Oh hell yeah, the teleconnections suggest we are far from finished with winter. And the pattern after Feb 5-ish turns from AN to N/BN. The one thing different this go around appears the STJ wont be quite as active to start out, but trends better as we move past Feb 10-ish. I'm not against this threat, I'm merely stating the facts that for now, there is not much support for a specific threat 240 hours or further out.
  14. They were in fair agreement at day 6-7 before suppressing the storm. Too far out to get excited or start a thread based on one OP run with minimal ens support from Euro or GFS. But that's just me. If you're trying to puff your chest by noting the potential first before anyone else, then by all means, start a thread :-)
  15. EPS say the OP is all by itself. Teleconnections are decent with a nice ridge out West but really weak signal for a big storm....for now. Sent from my LG-V410 using Tapatalk
  16. So, unless you typo'd, 2 of 51 ens members support his idea that parts of the Northeast see "more snow Jan 28-29 than the past Blizzard". I believe in his report this AM he is referencing Boston (which did not have Blizzard conditions, mind you). And he is "stubbornly" sticking to his guns/forecast. And you don't see the problem here? He is forecasting using catch-phrases (blizzard) and tugging at your emotions all the while pulling for a big storm when not a single op model suggests it. I disagree with the poster that said JB is great because he knows when to fold, take a bust, and admit he was wrong. If anything, he is a poor short range forecaster because he doesn't see the err in his ways to step up and change his forecast. A good forecaster adjusts when there is model support suggesting to. Obviously not flopping with every single model run, but JB rarely throws in the towel. In some occupations this is a great value to have....the go down with the ship mentality. In meteorology, it is not. It makes you look bad when you fail over and over. Do I respect the man, his education, his experience? Absolutely. I just don't see him as a great forecaster save from some of his LR stuff. End rant.
  17. LC posted to my FB this morning to really watch Jan 28-29? I'm not feeling this 'threat'. Flow progressive via kicker riding Canadian border, strung out weak areas of low pressure S and E of OBX, temps marginal at best. Even the one model that showed the threat yesterday (Euro) hardly had precip to West of slp which would mean a track right on the coast to get precip into the big cities IF the system even formed and came North. I'm personally not feeling this one except maybe a coastal grazer in our far Southern zones. Anyone see what LC might be on to or see things differently than myself? I don't even see model support for a hit in our area, though I could be wrong and maybe misreading the pattern? Always looking to learn.
  18. JB calls for snowpocalypse with every storm so eventually he was bound to hit one. And yes, LC is amazing! Calls it as he sees it and 'usually' he sees it correctly.
  19. JB calls for snowpocalypse with every storm so eventually he was bound to hit one. And yes, LC is amazing! Calls it as he sees it and 'usually' he sees it correctly.
  20. Glenn is halfway there! :-)
  21. Local news outlets really playing on this turning to rain. Actually a little surprised....little support for this attm. Sent from my LG-V410 using Tapatalk
  22. The same reason they get deleted over at the other site. Difference there is u get banned after the first offense. Sent from my LG-V410 using Tapatalk
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