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Ralph Wiggum

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Everything posted by Ralph Wiggum

  1. Driving from warminster to blue Bell at 6am was a disaster. Sheet of ice. Lots of vehicles spun out.
  2. GFS is wacky. Very unorthodox 850 temp progression. Not sure I recall seeing 850s cool like this with a ripping SE wind.
  3. 850s are AN as the system approaches across the board on guidance. Antecedent airmass is stale cold and flow is off the ocean from the ESE. I can see this possibly being something for higher elevations well inland but the I95 crew is going to miss out on this one. Maybe some wet flakes mixed in towards the end. Certainly time for changes but these situations where East of the fall line is hoping for cold air wrapping in faster or a system manufacturing it's own cold air seldom work out.
  4. What are the 850s during the critical panels rather than after the precip is out?
  5. My parents talk about Christmas 66 quite alot. My mom said 'Santa' forgot an important part of one of my older brother's gifts and she sent my dad out in the blizzard on Christmas Eve to get it at the store. He got stuck a block from the house, abandoned the car, walked to the store which wasnt exactly close, and walked all the way home in the storm. 'Santa' came thru! To this day my dad still laughs while busting her chops about sending him out in that wild weather.
  6. Guidance/ens members with near perfect track all have one thing in common....lack of cold air source. Everything is bottled in Canada. We dont do well holding out hope for storms to "manufacture their own cold air pool".
  7. Disagree....I bet the Euro jumps ship tonight. It's around that range now. And the fact there was zero support on the EPS is a no brainer where this is heading.
  8. How is a LP over Philly a 'coastal'? Not asking for any friends.
  9. CMC with a worse track ie an inside runner or right on the coast, yet is colder and snowier. OK I'm sure that'll work out.
  10. Actually a really good point. We've seen so many MR flips and trends so who knows. But why is it always when we need a flip to the good we rarely ever get it yet the other way around is almost a given....the old being in the bullseye 5+ days out thing.
  11. Have a feeling there was a typo. Probably was meant to read .1?
  12. Seriously tho....whenever the day comes and we actually all get a warning level event again it is going to feel damn good. The waiting is the hardest part but the reward will be worth it.
  13. This is one of the rare crap seasons that something is saying it isnt over. Normally I would have bailed 2 weeks ago lol. But I really think hl blocking is going to show up at the tail end and provide 1 nice storm. I really wouldnt be shocked if we wait the entire season then end the 2nd half of Feb with back to back storms. Would love a back to back holiday blitz....Valentine's and PD.
  14. So when @psuhoffman said if things still look bleak on Jan 15 it's pretty much time to pack it in and being that we are 3 days past that date and .... yeah. Has the time come?
  15. Frozen is over. Ended with 1.8" snow/sleet here.
  16. Nasty here. Straight ice storm sleet/fzra mix. 28f. Everything is a sheet of ice....numerous accidents.
  17. Maybe I'm misreading it....I'm running a loop and sure looks like the panhandle low heads NE and the upper low over the Plains captures a different low. Either way it's a different solution.
  18. Looks like you jumped at the right time. I'm giving it until Feb 10. If nothing on the horizon I'm out.
  19. No. That low ends up over NC. There is an ULL that pops a surface low in Indiana.
  20. When the euro shows a wonky solution it's pretty much congrats New England.
  21. Largest event of the season. 1" out there!!! Amazing.
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