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Ralph Wiggum

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Everything posted by Ralph Wiggum

  1. Shhhhhhhhh, don't jinx it. Only thing keeping this from meeting max potential is it doesn't close off at H5 and crawl. It is a relative fast mover that will have high rates (1-3"/hr). But a full phased overly amped up system probably isn't what we want either given the current track and already smelling the r/s line near I95. More than giddy where we stand now, don't want to be greedy. Ready to lock it up!
  2. The energy is over the Pacific and won't be sampled properly until Monday 12z.
  3. Dont like seeing the trof slow down more each run allowing the confluence to weaken and the hp to escape. Curious to see if the ens agree with the op.
  4. Losing that warm fuzzy feeling. 18z GFS is a decent tick N and W and quite a bit of mixing being shown. Jackpot shifted central PA.
  5. You need to post here more often. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
  6. All the big ones mix, so there's that. One run not a huge concern. Didnt care for it showing up on the ens means tho. May be cause for concern if the trend continues. Probably just a blip/noise tho.
  7. Euro ens are hinting tucked system and mixing well inland....warm nose. Hoping thats just noise but make me a bit apprehensive to pull the trigger for SE PA even nearby burbs.
  8. A mid DEC 1-2 footer from DC to BOS is a HECS. Im not speaking just in terms of Philly. GEFS mean snowfall for midweek is 10" here. Wowser!!
  9. Canadian is a HECS with 1-2' in the megalopolis from DC-BOS.
  10. I know the rgem has at range. Can't confirm that on the ggem.
  11. Did my shopping tonight. I can only imagine the stores next week, week before Christmas, major storm incoming, and in the grips of a pandemic. Can you say completely wiped shelves??
  12. Confluence looked farther S and tighter to my eyes.
  13. We should be planning adultery parties now?
  14. 0z GFS joins the party. (shared from @NorthArlington101 in the MA forum)
  15. You could see by 84 hrs where this was headed with the confluence and better 50/50 vs 18z
  16. ICON is in the Euro and NAM camp now for Monday. Even more amped up look on the TT site. Seeing some really different looks now as lead time lessens.. Rain to thump of slushy accum snow for most. We take?
  17. I saw that. I guess they don't know things can change 3 days out. Temps are close...won't take much adjustment one way or the other.
  18. Yep. Going to be an interesting week. Would be thrilled to score a few inches of snow by this time Thursday night. Would be disappointing to whiff on both but tbh I wouldn't be shocked. Unlikely, but again, we fail rather well in recent years. Would be just as shocked to score something out of both. Again, not being greedy. Just whiten the ground a bit and let it feel like the holidays and I'm happy.
  19. Monday is looking more and more interesting out this way. Watch Monday be the bigger system of this week.
  20. Oh oh...Wednesday cancel. See ya guys next time there is a block in 2023 Watch Monday turn out being the big event of the week. Rabbit out of a hat.
  21. I've traveled in time to Thursday evening and back. Congrats Boston.
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