Watch this piece in future runs...if something screws this up that will be the piece. It is diving S and causes the confluence to not only tighten up but nudge S this run.
Yep, nothing etched in stone and alot of it is going to come down to WAA thump, pivot snows, and deformation banding. CMC and Euro ops are hellbent on those 3 factors being rather close to or right over the region.
Watching the mid atl sub hug the ukie and pointing out every way under the sun why it is probably closest to verifying with the others soon to cave. They are plenty in the game for a good storm either way. Fwiw the CRAS did go South and looks UKIE-like
I think I would prefer the big 3 tho over those.
CRAS went South and is a better setup for this sub. And no, this isn't a joke post. Odd since the CRAS is usually all amped up....would have expected the primary holding on forever. Not so.
It is challenging for sure. We have 540 or so residents and you can't possibly satisfy every one with every meal. No matter how good 539 people say their meal is, always 1 finds something wrong.
Sorry about off-topic. Back to wx....
The UKIE has been the flip floppiest of all the models. Go back and look for yourself last 48 hrs. Every run has been considerably different and not by a little either.