Already told my wife that tomorrow will be nervewracking and do not disturb me, look my way, wink, nod, move, breathe, etc between 5am and 10am. That is now cast crunch time. Funny thing is....she honestly gets it and gets me.
Well thats the 6z for starters. And secondly you've been around and know as well as anyone the SLR ratio maps are usually much closer to the truth than the over inflated Kuchera maps.
There's your classic miller B shaft. Lets hope its wrong and over focusing on the convection offshore. It is basically alone so its higher resolution could actually be hindering finding the larger scale true low center here? Asking for a friend.
A few miles is noise imo right now. We will see this across guidance next 18 hrs. Unless there is some unanimous trend I think we are locked in. The bullseye is the only question. And then u are talking the diff between 12" and 24". Those kuchera maps are garbage.
Just looking across 6z, am I seeing things without my AM coffee yet or has there been a detectable nudge S or SE across guidance??
ICON has been leading the way with these adjustments. Not saying it is correct but certainly is interesting. Back in the bullseye swath here and slowly trending on extreme SE PA again?