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Ralph Wiggum

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Everything posted by Ralph Wiggum

  1. Yet in 8 weeks you guys will probably be venting about the early heating bills. Take the nice weather for what it is.
  2. "Cool" for Halloween is fine. Cold, not so much. This normal to even AN October so far coupled with the same outlook for at least the next 2 weeks bodes well for winter. I have compiled quite a bit of data for the upcoming winter outlook which I will delve into later in the month. Anyone watching the expanse and depth of snow-cover in Siberia and N Mongolia?
  3. I'm 2 blocks up from little Neshaminy and it is well over Bristol Road and encroaching on my home slowly. Never saw it this high since I've lived here.
  4. Summer living like a hermit... counting wooly caterpillar hairs, tracking tradewinds variations, and preparing for a very cold winter as I crochet extra afghan blankets, cut firewood, and skin local Buffalo for warm hide.
  5. Saw a tornado just to my west traveling NE about 15 mins ago. Took shelter in basement. I am in Warminster....Ivyland to be exact. Based on location assuming it went thru Warrington, Hartsville, Jamison area. Definitely debris with it.
  6. RI is a tiny piece of beach front real estate. Takes the right trajectory to get a LF tc there. With that said, anyone know the last time RI had a LF from a tc?
  7. Ridging out ahead of Henri from Bermuda extending towards Maine continues to strengthen as time goes on. Clearly is one of the features keeping the storm from exiting very quickly.
  8. 6z guidance from NAM to RGEM to hurricane guidance all well West and really closing in on a LI hit now but the trend farther S and W each run continues. Even gets banding deep into SEPA now as it pivots.
  9. GFS is either going score a massive victory this week over the hurricane guidance or be put to shame again in typical USA model fashion.
  10. I'm not hibernating. I lurk all year. I only really post in the winter tho. And this BN temp stretch shouldn't be a shock given the blocking pattern that wants to lock-in as per ens means. This is great grass-growing wx for my newly planted seed!
  11. I'm in Cape May, it is 35F and it is snowing. Perfect fishing weather!
  12. Have a great time Paul! And be safe.
  13. If we are going to get it done in mid March, this is one look that could potentially work:
  14. Have a feeling we aren't done with winter just yet. GFS op, GEFS, GEPS, GFS para, and EPS all liking the period March 13-20 for a backdoor front followed by a fluke event with an interesting setup overall (-PNA with tpv lobes spiraling around just to our N and several waves coming out of the SW and S Plains). Something to watch. I still enjoy watching it fall, even better overnight this time of year and seeing the landscape when the sun first rises. Heck, I've even enjoyed the couple of daytime April snows we had over the past decade.
  15. The storm of all storms here in Philly. From 2-3' forecasts 24 hrs out to 1" total. And people whine about 8" becoming 4" being a bust?
  16. Exactly! And unless March rogue storms deliver 10" or more, you usually dont even need to shovel or snowblow. Euro control and gfs para also sniffing out some potential between March 14-March 21. Chances are low as always in March but every so often (2018 etc) one pops up and delivers.
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