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Ralph Wiggum

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Everything posted by Ralph Wiggum

  1. Biggest 0z GFS run since 2020 coming in a bit over 2 hours. Buckle up....and good luck everyone.
  2. Euro has consistently been too fast to eject energy out of the Southwest since it had an upgrade a few years ago. This is something several of us have been nothing wrt how it has performed post-upgrade. Not saying it is wrong, but since it has little support amongst guidance, you have to take it with a grain of salt. The euro also has struggled in the past wrt the pj during Nina years. Methinks the Euro just isn't having a good run this season. Now if the GFS jump on board, then I might come off the sidelines. Until then people should keep their expectations in check. Of course if you pop into a different subforum you will probably be told how great the euro has been and that the eps agree so la la lock it in. Not so fast on that.
  3. I find recently since the 'upgrade' that now the Euro is too fast at times to bump the energy out of the southwest. Hopefully it is sniffing something besides glue.
  4. Until the gfs honks im on the sidelines. Proof is in the pudding the GFS op is red hot.
  5. Yes sets the stage for the weekend. We don't want a huge push Thursday moving the baro zone too far s. Hope for a miss thurs imho....sacrificial lamb
  6. Looks like a white rain situation with cold chasing precip. May see flakes falling but at least right now looks like nbd
  7. The control is a very low resolution from what I recall: https://www.ecmwf.int/en/forecasts/documentation-and-support/medium-range-forecasts
  8. GFS is the old Euro from 5 years ago. CMC is the old GFS with a fantasy storm every run that usually doesn't materialize Euro is the old GFS and plays catchup to the others. Don't ask how we got here, but here we are in 2022.
  9. You aren't wrong. GFS has been taking the euro/eps to the cleaners this month.
  10. I know you already know this but the control run should never really be used as guidance. It is used for perturbation in the individual ens members.
  11. I almost hit one of those suckers on Bristol Road tonight during the heavier snow. Jumped right in front missed by a foot. That would have been a major buzzkill.
  12. 37F here in Warminster. Looks like final tally was 2.4" for that round. Maybe we can get a sneaky half inch or so more snow tomorrow in spots.
  13. Looks like the NAM has snow showers off and on all day tomorrow.
  14. Like a light switch, flipped to all sleet here in Ivyland. 29F.
  15. I can attest to this in lower central Bucks. 28F and 2.1" so far.
  16. Damn, why can't the low just jump 75 miles off the coast and start bombing? Always hate the flip even when knowing it was inevitable for 4 or 5 days.
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