6z gfs is a slight improvement....stopped the bleeding.
A 3 major models show the fine line we are walking between too little spacing and a slider that cannot amplify with no mechanism to turn the corner, decent spacing with no ridge out west so farther n and a hair late to turn the corner, and near perfect tining where the sustem geys captured and pulled up the coast and stalling under the nao. Not much breathing room tbh between the system escaping S and E with a light event here or getting captured and a stalled bomb. Tbh, middle of the road seems like a good bet at this point and ens means support this. CMC like solution makes the most sense given the evolving pattern....a little something for all of us, some mixing near 95. Not a forecast....just middle of the pack which generally is a good rule of thumb with these variable progs attm. Fits mid Dec climo pretty good as well.