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Ralph Wiggum

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Everything posted by Ralph Wiggum

  1. If only it was in Philly BUT...Jan 1996 they played in Dallas also. Hmmmm, interesting coincidence.
  2. You can see why the GFS made the change at the surface from 6z. Just look at how much sharper the PNA ridge becomes at 12z vs 6z:
  3. Ridge out west sharpened dramtically. Meanwhile CMC looks like its lost aloft. Didnt even bother looking at the surface. GFS op jet structure couldnt get much more classic tbh and yes....that IS where we want it right now...no cutter look please:
  4. 2nd edition weenie handbook...Chapter 33 Section 69 states "When the GFS has a storm off the coast while the other globals are hits, we say 'It's right where we want to see it for now'".
  5. Did the exact thing with todays storm at the same range. Wouldnt buy what it's selling until other guidance follows suit for a few runs.
  6. Well, it did the exact thing at this exact range with today's system.
  7. Oz models across the board made significant improvements for the Dec 22-23 system. Still have a ways to go....too long if you ask me, but we have a unanimous signal for a potential storm across all guidance now...thats what we should be focused on at this point. Sharing these from another sub...thanks @Weather Will
  8. Damn Seeing Ji get excited is better than seeing a pasting on any guidance. Might require the "its happening" jawn in the coming days.
  9. Better start believing sir. The snow means on the ens are awesome given the range still.
  10. Correct. My original point was all 3 ens and ops get snow in our area and some accumulation. Plenty of time to go either way. You should be ecstatic just to get the ground whitened. Not all systems can be a MECS.
  11. ? The eps mean is damn near perfect for the first measurable of the season for many. Eta: we're talking about the same system dec 22-23 yes?
  12. Ive never owned one, I know a few folks that have them and they incessantly complain about how they are gitchy, they get very slow after a while, and some of the apps are inferior. Most of them say they would love to switch to android but their reasoning is they are comfortable and afraid that rhey wont be able to adapt to android interface.
  13. Off topic: it is evident in my posts i am having lots of typos. I think i could use some advice. Im using a galaxy s22 and using their samsung internet. When I have the auto correct and/or word suggestion turned on I literally cant type anything...it just keeps getting wonky and wont allow me to type at all. Not sure if it is wonky on other sites input boxes too. When turned off tho, no problem whatsoever. Any suggestions? Btw, I dont like using tapatalk, i dont care for the interface.
  14. Definitley a solid look for an ens mean and only seems to have been getting stronger with the signal. 22nd-27th seems like a good window for something. LFG!
  15. I only enjoy my avocados smashed and spread on toast, certainly not on a prog centered over Indiana. Gimme a little blueberry sliding underneath us and Im content
  16. Many pro LR forecasters had January shaping up like this...a big 'thaw' period. It is probably going to be a backloaded season as we are accustomed to in a Nina and we arr going to have to be patient. Like you said tho...it's way out there but the great looks are going to shift around at some point. The Dec -AO/-NAO base is a good signal tho for returning periodically so even if it happens as you noted, I doubt we are done with the +heights at HL for the year.
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