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Ralph Wiggum

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Everything posted by Ralph Wiggum

  1. Yep. We are still going to require extreme patience tho because even with the looks we both posted, the arctic air is still going thru reload and is going to need time. When it delivers? We just can't know.
  2. I had a friend years ago tell me "for all intents and purposes" was really "feral intensive porpoises". Needless to say we are no longer friends....I refuse to surround myself with such negativity....and stupidity.
  3. End of the GEFS is certainly workable. WPO/EPO help, split flow out west, flat trof in the East.....gradient type look. Progressive and not signaling a bombing out low crawling up the coast, but this is a common way to stack up a few 2-4"/3-6" systems verbatim based on that pattern and being just to the N of the boundary. Conjecture at this range but at least it seems maybe we are just beginning to see the back side of the crud looks.
  4. He was part of our family every evening and we welcomed him into our living room on the daily as such. Legend!
  5. Yeah, the primary is too far N. If the coastal had phased with the ull and bombed out we would have been in businesses .. as per some guidance had it this time last week.
  6. Close to an inch here also as per the phallic signal over my area ^^
  7. HRRR has a stray snow shower. Sad times are these when we merely track anafront snows and flurries.
  8. I feel like that map verbatim used to produce....1037hp anchored over Maine, NE flow as coastal takes over, half decent antecedent cold air mass. This hobby may require a move N and W to higher elevations in the coming years for me personally....far N and W.
  9. I appreciate this but I think alot of the etiquette here is also learned with experience. I've been on these boards since the mid 90s and alot of the etiquette is learned over time. I had my phase of pure weenie-ism but I learned there's a time and more importantly a PLACE for obs, for banter, etc. Trolling is not accepted cross region nor otherwise...something we should all respect.
  10. Same. 2 of the greatest songs of all-time!
  11. The image I posted isn't PA and I apologize if I did violate any policies. I like to think I contribute in both subs respectfully without being a jerk. Hope to NOT get caught in any crossfire. Edited to fix typos
  12. I can't even I saw one of these earlier but couldn't get a picture but when I Googled it apparently we aren't the only region that does this
  13. There's a surface look you don't see all the time in the Caribbean towards Bermuda in January. Tropical westerlies with a big surface low under that huge WAR. Cold core I'm sure but heck, maybe we can get our first Invest during prime winter climo this year
  14. Correct me if I'm wrong, but that PAC look resembles more of a Nino-ish regime with the Aleutian low and weak central pac flat ridge?
  15. It will but it is going to take time....and of course patience. Pretty confident the early season HL ridging will return....at least that's what history tells us should happen. And with prime climo on our doorstep and peaking in a few weeks, we may time things up for a decent backloaded sort of winter. It certainly is far from over. We also go thru this on the reg....epic patterns produce far less than people expect. It still require timing and of course luck. And with that said, nobody expected the good looks up top to be wall-to-wall from Dec-March. Sometimes the reload period takes longer than people want. Not sure anyone knows how long the coming hostile PAC will last or whether it is going to be transient. A little tracking break is healthy during the holiday season. Enjoy it.
  16. When JB speaks about snowstorms when no guidance shows such a thing, I listen intently......said no weather hobbyist ever.
  17. Patience. Backloaded second half of winter. If that ends up failing at least we remained hopeful thru it all. Thaw wont last forever and the blinds will open again. Fear not.
  18. The Dec 27-28 thing has a progressive pna moving east linking with the NAO into a full lat eastern ridge and eventual WAR all during a massive pattern flip as a monster pv sets up over AK and sends a pac firehose into W Canada and W US. Would take the luckiest set of circumstances ever for this one to happen. That's my wag on this one.
  19. Are you being serious? The only watching with this one is the cold rain falling if it decides to hug the coast. Behind that one, pac puke city. Shut the blinds til Jan 8 earliest.
  20. Some discussion about a 4-6 week 'thaw' due to hairspray from the 70s with CAPE joining the dark side and a bunch of 500 word diatribes indirectly referencing something that he isn't allowed to mention. Nope, didn't miss anything. Usual pre-January form around here.
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