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Ralph Wiggum

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Everything posted by Ralph Wiggum

  1. There is hope for the patient ones. The @Roger Smith Storm continues to show up on the op and the ens members for the first week of Feb.
  2. The @Roger Smith Storm continues to show up on the op and the ens members for the first week of Feb.
  3. 10 days away. Is this the closest at range we've been the entire winter? We can do this....the force is with us. LFG!
  4. You can't claim the Roger Smith Storm tho for that period. The solar flares spoke to him
  5. I hear they are moving the cherry blossom festival to Presidents Day weekend.
  6. And by subtle you mean the flips and flops the gfs does every 6 hours post 300??
  7. Been away for a bit....what happened to the Ji storm for midweek? Many were suggesting this was the best setup of the entire season so far? We still on for that one?
  8. Cloudy with a chance of meatballs? More likely than snow right now probably, right?
  9. I/we've been teased enough with the 10+ day stuff. I don't buy it this time which is exactly why it will probably happen. Get it within 5 or 6 days and I'll jump on the Roger Smith spaceship bandwagon thing.
  10. Roger Smith Storm showing up again on the op for early Feb. LFG!!!
  11. Chick weed never stopped growing this winter and is everywhere here.
  12. I see the Feb 2-4 Roger Smith storm is still alive and well on the GFS. If this dude nails our only snow event of the season due to planetary alignments and solar waves I will be convinced he is an alien from another universe. Seriously, he does this like once every year months in advance.
  13. Agreed. They say it dates back to the 70s but I only remember hearing it and using it within the last 10-15 years. I spent 36 years of my life growing up in Southwest Philly so it was interesting to see the history of the term dating back to when I lived there.
  14. Are we sharing the same emotions/mind bro? Couldn't have said it any better!
  15. I'm with you and can relate 100% to the young daughter sledding thing. Dealing with it myself attm. Regarding the March snows, I wasn't really asking if that would change the perception of the winter as a whole. I'm essentially asking many of the folks that say March snow sucks..."Would you enjoy a widespread 10"+ MECS in mid/early March?". Like you, just killing some time and having fun. Maybe this belongs in banter....feel free to move it.
  16. Ji is right, 2nd half of GFS run is pretty loaded. Several chances and non-cutter look.
  17. SPV is toast starting within 10 days so March should rock. Honestly, and this is for everyone, if we got a widespread 10"+ MECS in early/mid March and that was it the entire winter, would you not enjoy it at all for whatever reason or would you treat it like a jackpot reward where patience finally paid off?? Be honest. Me? I would savor the fuck out of it and Jebwalk the entire event...snow spotlight, pictures, video....etc.
  18. Wrt Sunday, BL looks awfully marginal to my eyes for this particular system overall. Farther N and W in this subforum seems the place to be for this one. ICON snows on us midweek. CMC op is snow/rain. GEPS mean is honking for midweek. Euro isn't far off is close to something nice verbatim. Good thing I buckled up...these model runs are a roller coaster ride past few days. Guessing todays daytime runs will taketh away now.
  19. Mets don't put snow totals out for a system 13 days out sooooo that's step 1.
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