.25" here.....fourth event with same exact amount ea h time for a grand total of 1" seasonal snowfall. You can't make this stuff up. Not complaining but this is just insanity.
Matched our heaviest other 2 events of the season just now. All melted but another .25" event and still snowing....looks to be our biggest of the season. Sadly, this is the third "measurable" event of the season (Dec 23 was the only .25" that accumulated) and with 3 events we haven't even reached an inch of snow total for the season yet. Just brutal!
This thread title even failed..models have backed off significantly with the cold snap now have lows around 20 or upper teens at best this weekend with run of the mill BN high temps for this time of year. No pre-Christmas redux....even that has failed us. But we know the raging SER and warm looks in the LR will verify 100%. Please bring on May asap!
So a deep west coast trough and a muted SE ridge that will flex as we get closer. K, got it. Current longwave base isn't going to work for us, period. We can hope we score on some fluke March uber convoluted thing, that's my thinking attm.