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Ralph Wiggum

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About Ralph Wiggum

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
  • Gender
  • Location:
    Warminster, PA

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  1. Wasnt the gfs the model that led the way with the feb 20 'event' where all models had us getting crushed but the gfs was by itself and well south?
  2. The geese are starting to pair up and chase/harass each other. March is clearly only a few days away now.
  3. I'm going with a C+.....if we had reached seasonal avg probably a B but doesn't look likely now. White Christmas, 13 or 14 'events', cold asf January, a couple minor icing events. I'm comfortable with a C+
  4. The bluebirds have been around for about 2 weeks now, heard a woodpecker yesterday, and saw a bluejay today. I dont know annual birding patterns so for all i know those three species are active year-round. Regardless, winter is over. Wouldn't be shocked to see flakes or accums 1 more time as a fluke, but overall winter packed it's bags and is done.
  5. Fool me once with the LR gfs snowstorms shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. Well, I'm back and I'm taking the walk of shame.
  6. Well, we got the epic psu event yesterday that partially verified and now we have the great @Heisy storm he has been touting between March 4 and 10 iirc. And Bastardi says a March 1993 is looking likely. So be patient and buckle up.
  7. I want no rain whatsoever thru November then flooding epic rains and 33f from dec-feb next year with a 1"snow march "eff you" thing
  8. Im a C-2" guy but I will chime in. I can confirm i got 1.7 here. Was at half an inch until the narrow squall deathband came thru. Thought I heard thunder as well cant confrm that part. Little over an inch in 30 mins was insane. Ratios helped was 20F at that time too.
  9. Ended at 1.7" here in ivyland. At 15.5 on the season
  10. Heaviest snow of the day closing in on 2"...getting squalled
  11. We got more than New England too? I think we're a snowtown once again.
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