I am very sorry you have this situation it’s a no win win. I will tell you I was in a similar situation about two years ago. My wife was very close to her dad and had stage 4 pancreatic cancer. They gave him three months to live. He was able to fight and lived for two years. During those two years she spent a lot of time with him way more than with us, our family. It was very straining on our relationship as I almost felt abandoned in a way. It’s a two way street and both sides have to give and take. I spoke with many people about my situation and had great guidance. If you love your wife and can make it work then I would try. I know this is a terrible thing to say it’s your mother. But you can’t ruin your life your future with your sole mate. Let’s say you get a divorce end that chapter. Then your mom passes away what do you have left? It’s hard it very hard but don’t put your wife second and try to make it all work. Maybe you could come home every two weeks. Find an in-home nurse while you leave. When we got her dad a In home nurse to care for his needs it helped relieve my wife. After he passed my wife realized how hard it was and was extremely grateful she still had me and our family to come home to. Just please look into the future and past what is happening in front of you right now.
Its actually way worst then that. That’s just the first part they have a helicopter over it now. At least 4 sections missing. Parts completely washed out.
I live in northern York and we have tons of them. We have made a game out of killing them even with my neighbors joining in. Easily 100 to 200 a weekend get destroyed. Crazy
Starting to lose some of my birch trees, 5 years I have had them planted. All of them lost at least 50 percent of the leaves few lost I would say 80 percent. Haven’t mowed in two weeks and entire yard dry and brown. This week coming looks brutal.
Speaking of schools saw this in mid Atlantic,
All Howard County public schools, including the Digital Education Center,will close 3-hours early today, Monday, May 16, 2022.
Check this out insane. Second link is article 5 confirmed dead.