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Everything posted by dmc76

  1. I’m on the east side now. I have relocated to the the Stoney creek area. No longer in the mountains
  2. That was some of the heaviest snow I have ever seen locally here, at one point tI had to be pushing 4 inches an hour
  3. Yep. 3-4” across north of 59. Maybe another 1.5” - 2” to go as well by looking at the radar. A nice 4-6” event
  4. I haven’t seen the sun in a month
  5. About 7” total since 4pm yesterday
  6. Surface temps will be in the mid 30’s at the start. Sounds very familiar
  7. Best analog potentially is the 1992 storm.
  8. At that time there wasn’t local spotters to measure snow so you had to rely on local news to give you reports, but I do remember a reporter stationed in Taylor Michigan saying that he measured 14 inches of snow on the ground. My dad said it was over a foot. I was young I had a bed time so I can’t give any more details. lol
  9. I don’t remember rain in this system. What I remember it started at 11 o’clock. It started heavy and ended heavy. It was like eight hour show. 10-15” fell across SEMI. 2 days off of school.
  10. The hills were that 1 degree colder. Most locals got over 10” some over 12”
  11. Yep. Like Clockwork. Every year. Same crap.
  12. Somehow, some mysterious way this area is going to hit average to slightly above by winters end I'm guessing. Lol.
  13. This is the heaviest snow I've ever pushed in my life 8" of hell
  14. Hrrrr about to dump a load on Metro Detroit
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