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Everything posted by Superstorm

  1. These storms cost me a return trip to Detroit. Was supposed to land in PHL, but they have a ground delay and we did not have enough fuel to wait. So now I’m back to the Motor City. .
  2. If your working outside today, you can drink 8 gallons of water and not have to use the bathroom because of all the sweat. .
  3. Wow, that is hot for Paris. Congrats on cool air. .
  4. Heat is coming but. But nothing prolonged, yet. .
  5. More fuel south, but trigger is further north. .
  6. Temps in upper 40s this morning. Very refreshing!! .
  7. Last night got down into mid 50s. Great night for windows open. .
  8. If we can get to mid June without seeing the temp reach 90, I will be joyed. .
  9. Another day or two of severe and flooding potential. Then it really cools off. .
  10. Nice crisp, cool morning. “Fall preview”, lol. .
  11. As much as I love snow, I am beginning to think South Carolina will be a nice place to retire in about 22 years. .
  12. I think we warm up next week, but looks to get cool again after memorial weekend. .
  13. I’m thinking we “May” not get out of the 40s today. .
  14. Could have used this pattern even two months ago. .
  15. I end up having to read 3 boards (PA, mid Atlantic and Philly). I kind of like keeping Philly separate. It's a lot easier to get good information from the hobbyists. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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