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Everything posted by Superstorm

  1. Very nice. Even had some snow flurry activity down to Hagerstown this morning. .
  2. Nice little snow event in SNE. One of my plant locations in CT already at 4”. .
  3. Not sure about rain today. But it’s a midnight high day today. .
  4. I lived in Boulder area for a couple years. Summer to winter in a matter of hours was a common thing. .
  5. I like the gradual step down to cold. Don’t need October snows!! .
  6. Wow, I guess areas that got out of fog a d drizzle really shot up. .
  7. Far eastern areas (eastern Lancaster) maybe some beneficial rains, but ain’t seeing much for us. .
  8. Closing in on an inch, but don’t think we will see much more than that. .
  9. Has been getting drier and drier. True central PA won’t see much. .
  10. In Lancaster proper we are used to not having good radar coverage so I often bounce around between KDOX, KLWX, KDIX and KCCX. .
  11. Fall of 1995 had cold periods in September followed by a monster snowfall year. And a weak La Niña.
  12. That is why fall is my favo.... Well winter is if we are getting dumped on! .
  13. Gorgeous out. Only 62F but sun still strong in September. .
  14. Nice to see crisp blue skies again. That Smokey haze was getting old. .
  15. Any thoughts on what smoke particles does to atmosphere? Is it similar to volcanic eruptions? .
  16. Agreed. Think we are only going to have til January to get our snowfall, then it could be lights out. .
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