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Everything posted by Superstorm

  1. Sorry, I was looking at Millersville data. .
  2. Our normal lows are low to mid 40s now. We won’t come close for a while. .
  3. Sign me up for this every October. 70s for highs makes for good outdoor activities. I don’t really need the “big flip” until late November. .
  4. What is the record for the number of 80 degree days in October? We are warm again next week. .
  5. Lol. I did see that. But I trust your gauge. .
  6. Must be proximity to that decommissioned Nuke plant. .
  7. Slightly colder, early snows, average snowfall. .
  8. I see our old friend the PAC will be around again this fall and winter. .
  9. I have never looked at the thread until today. I don’t even like banter threads. Things you should never talk about in mixed company, religion or politics. .
  10. Higher dewpoints are making for the warmer climate. .
  11. I was looking at Lancaster, PA data. But it’s the same for every location. The higher minimums and higher dewpoints must be the driver. .
  12. I was scanning a color map of departures from normal, that dated back to 1900. What was very apparent is from 1900 to 2000, there were a fair share of equal below and above normal departures from month to month. The last 20 years, the above normals have well outpaced the below normal months and the departure from normal are much greater on the warm side. Kinda scary when you look at it that way. .
  13. WAR is strong. Think a good chance of seeing some high amounts. .
  14. I’m seeing leaves starting to change even in Maryland. .
  15. Everybody complains about airport readings, but it goes both ways. THV radiates very well and is a “misrepresentation” of true York, PA readings. The only way to really solve it is take multiple readings from area then average it out. .
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