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Everything posted by Superstorm

  1. I can’t even watch tv news weather for forecasts. .
  2. Yep. I have done many “all nighters” chasing the snow. .
  3. If we have sufficient lift. With good snow growth throughout the column, could we be looking at 20:1 ratios? .
  4. It’s a nice run for the quad city area. What I like is that little screw area is completely out of our area. .
  5. I’m liking the progression of models this go around. Hope we continue to improve on 12z big boys. .
  6. 17” snow than 6” of sleet is impressive. Can’t imagine if that sleet stayed all snow. .
  7. This is coming north so I like where it is now. Unfortunately if it comes too far north, and you add in a Miller B transfer, the outcome for snow lovers will not be good. .
  8. Don’t know. I’m getting Miller B vibes on this one. .
  9. 6Z Euro looks like it wants no part of this. . Edit: Actually better than 0Z.
  10. That has a Miller B screw zone transfer look to it. .
  11. I think it’s in a perfect position. If it amplifies like the last one did, it will be mid Atlantic and NE snowstorm. Any further north and it amplifies, congrats Western PA and central NY. .
  12. On my way to work in Cecil County, MD. Extreme SE corner of Lancaster County there are signs it snowed. .
  13. One thing is for sure, QPF is increasing on each model run. Truly rare for such a fast storm. .
  14. Still think southern tier counties will hit low advisory levels. .
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