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Everything posted by btownheel

  1. Sounds good. I’m done with that KBUY garbage . .
  2. Question for the board as a longtime reader but still novice. Is a Tempest the best bet for a home WX station?
  3. 0. 34 degree rain DC will get 5 inches and then sleet and they'll all whine.
  4. We've got maybe .25 of accrual here in Gibsonville all the way down to the ground level bushes, no roads or crunchy grass though. Power holding steady. Complete lack of wind so far is a blessing on that front. Honestly, thusfar I'll take it! Pretty but not messing up people's lives.
  5. wake me up on Thursday morning when we damn well know the cold is in place. Until then, 35 degree rain, book it.
  6. Looks like both you and I are going to be under the precip belt for a good while still. Hope sun angle helps limit accural.
  7. Y'all Triad folks posting here need to get your grid game squared away like us here in Alamance
  8. If one was gonna bust light on .qpf, this is the one I'll take.
  9. Just dropped to 32 here in about 15 mins. Here we go...
  10. Still showing us at 39 at KBUY. That thermometer is suuuuuch garbage lol. .
  11. those really, really, really are irrelevant right now.
  12. Pretty sure that’s not nearly far enough into north central NC. .
  13. Are we buying the 850 torch? That doesn't seem to make a ton of sense with the other variables with the system being a non Apps runner. I'm over here praying for sleet so....
  14. We may just have killed this thing off by starting a thread (I'm not complaining about it). Or not.
  15. RGEM (which did very well on profiles for the this weekend) and Icon (which nailed the snow event consistently just before that) are fully on board. NAM (which has also performed quite well this year) is hinting around it, but still not quite home. That said, we're still in fairly extreme NAM range until midday tomorrow.
  16. kick that sucker a bit further south so we can get some sleet in here. Don't need another lights out storm within 5 days of the first...
  17. Ride the NAM and short term models here guys. Never trust a global with CAD (especially this year).
  18. Trend on this thing is pretty concerning. And it’s not 7 days out. Closing inside 72 hours with strengthening model agreement. .
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